Message posted on 05/10/2018

CfP: ""Practices and materialisations of active ageing" SIEF2019 14th Congress.

                Apologies for cross-posting. Please find below a Call for Papers for a
<br>panel at the SIEF2019, taking place 14-17 April 2019. It is titled
<br>and materialisations of active ageing". *Those working on ageing and care
<br>at the intersection of STS and anthropology might find it interesting. The
<br>deadline for submitting a paper is the 15/10/2018.
<br>Kind regards
<br>Daniel López Gómez and Aske Juul Lassen
<br>*SIEF2019 14th Congress. *
<br>Santiago de Compostela, Spain
<br>14-17 April 2019
<br>*Deadline for submitting papers*: 15/10/2018
<br>*Submit a paper here*:
<br>Aske Juul Lassen (University of Copenhagen) email
<br>Daniel Lopez Gomez (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) email
<br>*Short abstract*
<br>The life course is being reconfigured through ideals of active ageing. This
<br>panel tracks the changes in the practices of old age, and inquire into how
<br>active ageing has materialised in new technologies, digitalisations,
<br>dwellings and imaginaries, and positioned old age as an active phase of
<br>*Long abstract*
<br>Since the 1990s, active ageing has changed the ways old age has been
<br>organised and configured. Active ageing is a fusion of many different
<br>ageing theories positioning ageing as malleable, and different kinds of
<br>activities as rejuvenating (Lassen & Moreira 2014). With the ageing
<br>populations, the healthy generations currently entering old age and the
<br>call for an overall change in the ways we perceive old age, active ageing
<br>has spread from political forums in the EU and WHO, to local forms of
<br>governance, the silver economy and the everyday lives of older people.
<br>While active ageing has been widely studied and criticised, most of these
<br>studies have been conceptual and discursive. Only few studies have inquired
<br>into practices, technologies and material interventions that pursue active
<br>ageing. However, with an increasing interest for socio-gerontechnology and
<br>the socio-material constitution of later life by ethnologists,
<br>gerontologists and STS researchers, the time is ripe to inquire into one of
<br>the major transformations of the 21st century: the reconfiguration of the
<br>life course and the practices, policies and technologies forming this
<br>With this panel, we wish to track the changes of old age in the slipstream
<br>of active ageing policies and discourses, and inquire into how active
<br>ageing has materialised in various ways. We encourage papers that ask what
<br>kinds of new practices, tracks, technologies, infrastructures, rituals,
<br>digitalisations, dwellings and imaginaries that have emerged from the ways
<br>active ageing position old age as a new, active phase of life
<br>Daniel López Gómez
<br>IN3 - Internet Interdisciplinary Institute
<br>CareNet Research Group
<br>Estudis de Psicologia i Ciències de l'Educació
<br>*Associate Professor*
<br>(+34) 933 263 681
<br>twitter  / linkedin
<br>Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 5
<br>08860 Castelldefels
<br>[image: UOC] 
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