Message posted on 03/10/2018

Call for Contributions - Algorithms & Society Workshop - 10 December 2018 Brussels

                *** apologies for cross-posting ***
<br>Call for Contributions - Algorithms & Society Workshop - Monday 10 December
<br>Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
<br>A workshop organised by Privacy Salon & Law Science Technology and Society
<br>(LSTS), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, supported by Open Society Foundations.
<br>This call is primarily aimed at academic researchers, civil society
<br>representatives, journalists and practitioners working in the area.
<br>Recently there have been increased calls for scrutiny of the role that
<br>algorithms play in society. Algorithms influence life-changing decisions,
<br>yet to-date the transparency about how these models operate remain firmly
<br>limited Who is responsible for their introduction, integration, fairness
<br>and accuracy? What democratic governance structures are proposed, if made
<br>available at all? Who procures, monitors and regulates their use? What can
<br>be done about algorithmic bias? What bias beyond that is inherent to the
<br>data and algorithms do these systems produce? What are the social and
<br>ethical consequences of algorithms for individuals, groups, communities,
<br>institutions and societies?
<br>There has been a growing discussion on the regulation of and the impact of
<br>algorithms on society for some time. However, these discussions have been
<br>driven mainly by examples from the US and have stuck to a very general
<br>level. In the discussions, algorithmic practices and their impact in Europe
<br>and more specifically in the public sector have remained rather invisible.
<br>There is a clear need for examples and voices from Europe to inform and
<br>enhance the debate about the challenges posed to societies by algorithms.
<br>This workshop on Algorithms & Society has the following aims:
<br>   -
<br>   To understand what legal, social and ethical issues are at stake with
<br>   regards to the use of algorithms and algorithmic (decision-making) systems
<br>   in Europe. This includes themes such as algorithmic accountability,
<br>   algorithmic governance, political economy of algorithms, fairness and
<br>   transparency but also what impact the implementation of algorithms and
<br>   algorithmic systems will have on societies, fundamental rights and social
<br>   justice;
<br>   -
<br>   To advance the discussion on the use of algorithms in the area of
<br>   predictive policing and migration policy in particular;
<br>   -
<br>   To convene the community of researchers, civil society representatives,
<br>   journalists and practitioners working on the impact of algorithms and
<br>   algorithmic (decision-making) systems in Europe;
<br>   -
<br>   To lay the foundation for the organisation of a larger event in 2019
<br>   which has the goal to create an interdisciplinary forum for European
<br>   researchers and experts working on algorithms and automated
<br>We especially welcome submissions on the following topics:
<br>   -
<br>   The use of algorithms and algorithmic (decision-making) systems in the
<br>   public and private sector Europe;
<br>   -
<br>   Legal, social and ethical issues at stake with regards to the use of
<br>   algorithms and algorithmic (decision making) systems in Europe;
<br>   -
<br>   Case studies of the use of algorithms in the context of (Predictive)
<br>   Policing in Europe;
<br>   -
<br>   Case studies of the use of algorithms in the context of European
<br>   Migration Policies.
<br>Submission instructions
<br>You can respond to this Call for Contributions by submitting a
<br>statement/abstract of max 500 words via a dedicated webpage on the EasyChair
<br>system, detailing your perspective or contribution to the workshop (please
<br>also indicate if you would like to present) using the following link:
<br>Deadline: 24 October 2018
<br>Notifications:  29 October 2018
<br>We will continue to accept proposals for contributions on a rolling basis
<br>after the deadline.
<br>In case of doubt regarding the suitability of a contribution to the
<br>workshop, please contact Rosamunde van Brakel,
<br>Please note that we can only invite a limited number of participants. We
<br>will cover transportation and accommodation costs for those who are
<br>selected to speak and a limited number of civil society representatives.
<br>Programming committee
<br>Rosamunde van Brakel, LSTS Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Privacy Salon
<br>Joris van Hoboken, LSTS Vrije Universiteit Brussel/IVIR-Universiteit van
<br>Seda Gürses, ESAT Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
<br>Matthias Spielkamp, AlgorithmWatch
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