Message posted on 26/09/2018

ORION Open Science Workshop for Researchers (Free), 9th Oct, MDC Berlin

                Dear Researchers
<br>OpenCon Germany 2018 is taking place at the Max Delbrück Center for
<br>Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC)
<br>! The ORION Project and the MDC will be running
<br>a free and interactive full day workshop for researchers: *‘The Benefits of
<br>Open Science for You!’ on October 9th 2018*.
<br>Have you ever wondered what Open Science actually is and whether it can
<br>help you? In this fun and creative session, we will explore what issues you
<br>are currently facing in the research process and explain which Open Science
<br>tools can be used to help. You will leave the workshop with a practical
<br>action plan of how to use Open Science to boost your professional life.
<br>To find out more and register here:
<br>Places are very limited so make sure to register soon. The workshop is
<br>free-of-charge and all refreshments are provided. Unfortunately, travel
<br>grants are not available.
<br>We look forward to seeing you! (If you cannot attend but think others would
<br>be interested please feel free to forward this email or share this tweet
<br>Contact for any further questions.
<br>Best wishes
<br>*Dr Emma A Harris  and Dr Luiza
<br>Communications Department, MDC
<br>*Working on **ORION Open Science ** EU
<br>H2020 Project*
<br>[image: ORION_LOGO_preview.png]
<br>Robert-Rössle-Straße 10
<br>13125 Berlin
<br>Tel./Fax +49 30 9406-2565 / 2588
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