Message posted on 03/05/2018

Experimental collaborations: Ethnography through Fieldwork Devices - Out now!

                Dear all,
<br>"Experimental Collaborations: Ethnography through Fieldwork devices” is now
<br>out in Berghahn (EASA series).
<br>Adolfo Estalella & Tomás Sánchez Criado (Eds.)
<br>"In the accounts compiled in this book, ethnography occurs through processes
<br>of material and social interventions that turn the field into a site for
<br>epistemic collaboration. Through creative interventions that unfold what we
<br>term as “fieldwork devices”—such as coproduced books, the circulation of
<br>repurposed data, co-organized events, authorization protocols, relational
<br>frictions, and social rhythms—anthropologists engage with their counterparts
<br>in the field in the construction of joint anthropological problematizations.
<br>In these situations, the traditional tropes of the fieldwork encounter (i.e.
<br>immersion and distance) give way to a narrative of intervention, where the
<br>aesthetics of collaboration in the production of knowledge substitutes or
<br>intermingles with participant observation. Building on this, the book proposes
<br>the concept of “experimental collaborations” to describe and conceptualize
<br>this distinctive ethnographic modality.”
<br>We are attaching the promotional flyer. Any further details can be found in
<br>the publisher’s website:
<br>This includes a freely downloadable PDF copy of the introduction, which can be
<br>accessed here:
<br>For anyone interested, we will be discussing the book's project in a series of
<br>forthcoming open events. Please check our website for more information:
<br>All the best,
<br>Dr Tomás Sánchez Criado
<br>Senior researcher – Prof. für Stadtanthropologie
<br>Institut für Europäische Ethnologie – Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
<br>Mohrenstr. 41, R. 131 – 10117 Berlin
<br>+49 (0)30 2093 70849
<br> | @tscriado
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