Message posted on 17/04/2018

(Reminder) CfP Workshop "Anthropocene and Citizen Science: Evidence Gained through the 'Opening-up' of Academic Knowledge Production?"

                Reminder: We cordially invite proposals regarding our workshop.
<br>*Anthropocene and Citizen Science:
<br>*Evidence Gained through the “Opening-up” of Academic Knowledge Production?*
<br>*/Location:/ *Deutsches Museum Munich, Germany
<br>/*Dates:*/ Thursday 19th and Friday 20th of July 2018 (arrival at 
<br>Wednesday 18th)
<br>/*Conveners:*/ Prof. Sabine Maasen (TU Munich), Prof. Helmuth Trischler 
<br>(LMU Munich), Prof. Sascha Dickel (University Mainz)
<br>*/Keynote:/* Prof. Bruce Lewenstein (Cornell University)
<br>*/Submission deadline:/* 30th of April 2018
<br>/*Please note: */All participants will be accommodated at the 
<br>Kerschensteiner Kolleg and will be reimbursed for their travel expenses.*
<br>*Please find attached our call with detailed informations.* The two 
<br>projects involved are part of the DFG Research Group 2448, Evidence 
<br>Practices in Science, Medicine, Technology, and Society 
<br>If you have any questions, please contact or 
<br>Andreas Wenninger
<br>Postdoc Researcher
<br>Technische Universität München
<br>TUM School of Governance
<br>Friedrich Schiedel-Stiftungslehrstuhl für Wissenschaftssoziologie
<br>(Prof. Dr. Sabine Maasen)
<br>Tel. +49 (0)89 – 289 24340
<br>[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of CfP Anthropocene and Citizen Science (final).pdf]
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