Message posted on 08/04/2018

Summer School - Usability, Cybercrime and Ethics of Cybersecurity

                Dear Colleagues,
<br>please distribute this call among doctoral students, if adequate.
<br>Best, Estrid Sørensen
<br>_Call for Participation _
<br>2nd SecHuman Summer School „Usability, Cybercrime and Ethics of 
<br>Cybersecurity”, September 3 -6, 2018, Ruhr-University Bochum
<br>The Horst Görtz Institute for IT-Security is  pleased to announce the 
<br>2nd SecHuman Summer School. The Summer School addresses young 
<br>researchers with an interest in interdisciplinary questions in IT 
<br>security. New approaches to cybersecurity focus increasingly on the 
<br>interaction between the user and
<br>technology. The SecHuman Summer School  is dedicated to numerous aspects 
<br>of this emerging interdisciplinary research field.
<br>For four days, renowned researchers from Germany, the UK and the US will 
<br>provide insights into their recent advances in cybersecurity, such as 
<br>methods of usable security, cybercrime as a socio-technical phenomenon, 
<br>and ethical concerns regarding data security.
<br>The focus is on pragmatic aspects of these issues and open research 
<br>The lectures will be accompanied by discussion groups and exercises, 
<br>which provide an opportunity to gain a more in-depth understanding and 
<br>to integrate to one’s own research interests.
<br>The Summer School will be held in English.
<br>Best regards,
<br>Susanne Kersten, M.A.
<br>Projektmanagerin SecHuman
<br>  Horst Görtz Institut für IT-Sicherheit (HGI)
<br>Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB)
<br>Raum ID 2/ 148
<br>Universitätsstraße 150
<br>D-44780 Bochum
<br>  Tel: +49 (0) 234 32 - 29267
<br>Fax: +49 (0) 234 32 - 14886
<br>(Mo,Die & Do,Fr 9 - 14 Uhr)
<br>[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of DIGITAL_Summer School 2018 Poster A4.pdf]
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