Message posted on 02/03/2018

Invitation The State of Cybernetics seminar, March 22 and 23, NIAS Amsterdam

                Dear colleagues and friends,
<br>On March 22 and 23, we organize a seminar entitled "The State of Cybernetics.
<br>The digitization of cities, bodies and communities” at the Netherlands
<br>Institute for Advanced Studies in Amsterdam.
<br>The purpose of the seminar is to revisit the legacy of cybernetics to shed
<br>light on contemporary digital politics. Many of the fundamental questions
<br>asked by cyberneticians regain salience today. What remains of liberal
<br>individualism when the boundaries between humans, machines and nature are
<br>blurred? What are the systemic properties and operating routines of democracy
<br>in a world in which machines and humans are increasingly entangled?
<br>Scholars from fields as diverse as Philosophy, Anthropology, and Artificial
<br>Intelligence will give presentations. The speakers include Simon Marvin,
<br>Noortje Marres, Andrew Pickering, Willem Schinkel, Tsjalling Swierstra and
<br>Linnet Taylor.
<br>The seminar will be concluded with a public event on Friday afternoon with
<br>lectures by Katherine Hayles,  Luc Steels, a theatrical performance prepared
<br>by Ricarda Franzen and concluding reflections by Andrew Pickering.
<br>The overarching vision for this seminar is to build and strengthen a network
<br>of thinkers and practitioners interested in developing critical perspectives
<br>regarding digital politics and digital urbanism in particular. This network
<br>stretches beyond academia and crosses over to multiple disciplines and fields
<br>of practice. Starting September 2018, the aim is to work towards joint
<br>research proposals, publications, and events.
<br>We would be delighted if you could take part in this two-day journey. To allow
<br>for an in-depth discussion, there is a limit to the number of participants.
<br>The preliminary program is attached to this email.
<br>Please register with Anne Hovingh:
<br> and make sure to specify whether you
<br>register for the conference, for the public event, or both.
<br>You can also click here
<br> for info and registration for the Friday public event; and here
<br> for more info and
<br>registration for the seminar on Thursday and Friday.
<br>After you register you will receive a more detailed program with abstracts,
<br>locations and times.
<br>The conference is funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific
<br>Research (NWO) as part of the research project "Safeguarding long-term
<br>stakeholdership in Smart Cities" and by the Center for Urban Studies of the
<br>University of Amsterdam as part of a collaboration with the Sheffield Urban
<br>Automation Institute.
<br>We hope to see you the 22nd and 23d of March!
<br>Justus Uitermark and Dorien Zandbergen
<br>Political Sociology Department
<br>University of Amsterdam
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