Message posted on 01/03/2018

Open Panel "Academic Evaluation in Latin America: Research Agendas, Incentives and Social Relevance"

                ESOCITE 2018
<br>Santiago de Chile, July 18-20.
<br>Open panel #4
<br>*Title: *Current views on academic evaluation in Latin America: research 
<br>agendas, incentives and social relevance.
<br>*Organizers: *Mariela Bianco (UdelaR, Uruguay) - Federico Vasen (UBA / 
<br>CONICET, Argentina)
<br>Academic evaluation is undergoing profound transformations, which have 
<br>sparked international controversies about the appropriate methods, 
<br>criteria and indicators. In particular, the use of bibliometrics to 
<br>evaluate the performance of researchers and institutions has gained 
<br>ground and is currently presented as "objective and universally valid". 
<br>Even peer judgments are increasingly based on bibliometric indicators 
<br>and less on the intrinsic merit of academic productions. The 
<br>availability of large bibliographic databases (mainly private) 
<br>encourages the analysis of productivity with these tools. This 
<br>methodological standardization could lead to a global homogenization of 
<br>the way of evaluating the activity of academics. This could be 
<br>potentially harmful for regional and disciplinary dynamics whose 
<br>diffusion channels are not easily retrieved with these methodologies. A 
<br>one-dimensional vision of 'excellence' that may put at risk research 
<br>agendas focused on issues relevant only to peripheral contexts.
<br>We invite academics to reflect on the current crossroads of academic 
<br>evaluation and welcome contributions on the following issues:
<br> Academic evaluation methodologies in Latin America
<br> Academic journals and evaluation of researchers
<br> The role of science policy and incentives
<br> Alternative research agendas and standardized evaluation methods
<br> Academic evaluation and conceptions of the social relevance of research
<br>Key words: academic evaluation, bibliometric indicators, standardization 
<br>of evaluation, social relevance, sciemce policy.
<br>Abstract can be submitted *before March 10th* in Spanish, English or 
<br>Portuguese and should be 400 words long. Please use the official 
<br>submission webpage available at 
<br>and select Open Panel #4.
<br>Please direct your inquiries about the panel to Federico Vasen 
<br>( and Mariela Bianco (
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