Message posted on 15/02/2018

CfP "Unsettling technogenarians: interferences and synergies at the crossroads of Age Studies and Science and Technology Studies"

                *Unsettling technogenarians: interferences and synergies at the crossroads
<br>of Age Studies and Science and Technology Studies.*
<br>*Call for papers for 2nd International Workshop on Socio-gerontechnology*
<br>The CareNet research group  has the pleasure
<br>to invite papers for an *international workshop* exploring the intersection
<br>of Science and Technology Studies and Age Studies, to be held in the Internet
<br>Interdisciplinary Institute  (IN3/UOC) in
<br>Castelldefels (Barcelona) on the *21st-22nd June 2018*.
<br>After its 2017 inaugural meeting in Vienna, this is the second workshop of
<br>the Socio-gerontechnology network that explores themes at the intersection
<br>of STS and Age Studies. The aims of the Barcelona meeting are to bring
<br>together scholars working in this and related areas, discuss recent
<br>developments in the field, and further build the network. There will be
<br>ample room to discuss papers.
<br>The concept "technogenarian" is proposed by Joyce and Loe (2010) to bring
<br>to the fore aspects of the ageing experience that usually remain concealed
<br>by structural ageism: older people are not only the beneficiaries or dupers
<br>of science and technologies but they create, use, and adapt technologies to
<br>negotiate in every dimension of their daily life. The existence of the
<br>technogenarians signals a research domain at the crossroad of Science and
<br>Technology Studies and Ageing Studies that is currently under explored.
<br>However, as Joyce and Loe (2010) acknowledge, the technogenarians are
<br>usually the "economically privileged baby boomers" that seem to better
<br>enact the successful and active ageing core values. By unsettling
<br>technogenarians, we are sending an invitation to social science scholars to
<br>further explore this interstitial domain between STS and Ageing Studies in
<br>order to address questions such as: what are the critical consequences of
<br>science and technological innovations in the life of older people, what
<br>forms of "being old" or social groups are left aside, co-opted, or
<br>normalized in the design and implementation of new technologies for active
<br>ageing. *In sum, we would like to explore what happens to Age Studies and
<br>STS if rather than greying the cyborg we try to cyborg the grey.*
<br>We welcome paper proposals from people at any stage in their career around
<br>the topic of the call or any of the following which can be situated at the
<br>crossroad of Age Studies and Science and Technology Studies.
<br>● The digital everyday life of older people
<br>● Gaming and older people
<br>● Social media, participation and isolation in later life
<br>● Critical approaches to active & independent ageing and silver economy
<br>● The constitution of later life in biomedical and ICT innovations
<br>● Changing geographies of later life in a digitized world
<br>● Ageism, antiaging and innovation
<br>● Design for, with and by older people
<br>● Care infrastructures in the ageing societies
<br>● Future making and the coming of the ageing society
<br>● Queering ageing
<br>● Citizenship, activism and older people.
<br>Abstracts of no more than *300 words* should be submitted to
<br> by *15th of March*. We will inform authors if they are accepted by *30th
<br>Daniel López Gómez
<br>IN3 - Internet Interdisciplinary Institute
<br>CareNet Research Group
<br>Estudis de Psicologia i Ciències de l'Educació
<br>*Associate Professor*
<br>(+34) 933 263 681
<br>Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 5
<br>08860 Castelldefels
<br>[image: UOC] 
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