Message posted on 22/01/2018

CFP panel C28 ‘Meetings over and around food’ EASST Conference 2018 Lancaster 25-28 July 2018

                Apologies for cross postings.
<br>We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to the panel C28 Meetings
<br>over and around food that is part of the EASST Conference 2018 and will be
<br>held in Lancaster 25-28 July 2018. For more information on the panel and
<br>submission of abstracts, please follow this
<br>link or
<br>see below.
<br>EASST C28
<br>Meetings over and around food
<br>  *   Claire Marris (Centre for Food Policy)
<br>  *   Isabel Fletcher (University of Edinburgh)
<br>  *   Allison Loconto (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA))
<br>  *   Katerina Psarikidou (Lancaster University)
<br>  *   Kathryn Packer (Centre for Food Policy)
<br>Short abstract
<br>This panel explores how food could bring together research across diverse
<br>themes, approaches and disciplines. We invite STS researchers working on any
<br>aspect of food and agriculture to come together to explore how we might create
<br>new alignments, intersections and networks in STS approaches to food.
<br>Long abstract
<br>Food is at the heart of all kinds of meetings. This panels aims to foster
<br>fruitful interactions among STS researchers working on different aspects of
<br>food and agriculture, using diverse disciplines, conceptual approaches and
<br>methods, to explore how their works intersects and how it could make a more
<br>visible contribution to social science research on food and agriculture, and
<br>to food policy agendas. This includes research on any aspect of the food
<br>system, from production to consumption. We are purposefully not defining what
<br>'an STS approach' to food might entail, as this panel aims to tease this out.
<br>We also hope the panel may be the first step towards creating some kind of new
<br>collaborative network of STS food studies.
<br>Questions that could be addressed include:
<br> How does food function as an act or process of joining or coming together of
<br>people, things, knowledges and values?
<br> How do interests take shape and evolve through innovation networks,
<br>technology adoption, infrastructures and standardisations in food and
<br> How are new alliances and forms of inclusive and creative collaboration made
<br>around food?
<br> How is food and food policy a space for dissent, battle and exclusions?
<br> How do social practices evolve, intersect and re-form over time?
<br>We are particularly interested in research that aims to influence food policy
<br>so that it becomes more inclusive, involves creative forms of collaborations,
<br>and acknowledges the importance of intersections between health,
<br>environmental, social, cultural and economic aspects of food and food policy.
<br>Looking forward to hearing from you,
<br>Claire, Isabel, Allison, Katerina and Kathryn
<br>Isabel Fletcher PhD
<br>Senior Research Fellow (Medical Sociology)
<br>Liminal Spaces Project
<br>The Mason Institute
<br>Edinburgh Law School
<br>Old College
<br>South Bridge
<br>Edinburgh EH8 9YL
<br>Tel: 0131 651 4792
<br>The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
<br>Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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