Eurograd message

Message posted on 06/09/2023

ESA RN24 SSTNET Virtual Workshop 2023 Programme and Registration

ESARN24 SSTNET Virtual Workshop 2023 Programme 12th and 14th September

Session 1 Trust in Health Data: representations, reflections and diffractions Convenors: Paraskevas Vezyridis (Nottingham University Business School) and Aaro Tupasela (University of Helsinki) September 12th, 9.00 BST 9.00-9.10 Opening and welcome 9.10-9.40 Paula Muhr: Intelligent Healthcare: Epistemic Contingencies of Future AI-Based Predictive Diagnostics of Alzheimers Disease 9.40-10.10 Carolina F. Mourao and Ana Delicado: Smart devices and digital tracing of health data 10.10-10.40 Aaro Tupasela, Pekka Marttinen and Petri Ylikoski: Predictive modelling and machine learning for healthcare resource allocation 10.40-11.00 Discussion and closing

Session 2 PhD Research in STS Convenors: Melissa Sessa (Sapienza University of Rome) and Ana Delicado (Instituto de Cincias Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa) September 12th 14.00 BST 14.00 Opening and welcome 14.10 Zhiwei Wang, Being Chinese Online Discursive (Re)production of Internet-Mediated Chinese National Identity 14.40 Gemma Milne, Selling and Preaching the Future: How Corporate Futurists Make their Mark(et) 15.10 Felippa Amanta, Social, Energy, and Carbon Impacts of Domestication of On-Demand Digital Services 15.40 Michele Veneziano, Governmental agencies orchestrating digital transformation: digital governance practices in the platformization of the public sector 16.10 Discussion and closing

Session 3 Building trustworthy AI for public sector

Panel organizers: Marta Choroszewicz (University of Eastern Finland) and Heta Tarkkala (University of Helsinki)

September 14 13.00-14.30 CEST

*13.00-13.05 Welcome by the panel organizers

*13.05-13.45 Watching together recorded presentations

Karolina La Fors and Fran Meissner, University of Twente, NL: Contesting border artificial intelligence: Applying the guidance-ethics approach as a responsible design lens

Karolina Drobotowicz, Aalto University, FI: The link between transparency and trustworthiness empirical perspective

Antti Rannisto, Aalto University, FI: Social transparency in algorithmic systems

Emma Quilty, Monash University, AUS: Trust, automation and innovation: rethinking the anticipatory modes of technological determinism

Marta Choroszewicz, University of Eastern Finland, FI: Public servants invisible work and making of trustworthiness of algorithmic systems

*13.45-14.00 University Researcher Aaro Tupasela s comments on the presentations, University of Helsinki

*14.00-14.15 Responses from the presenters to the discussants comments

*14.15-14.30 Q&A

*14.30 Closing words by the panel organizers

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