Eurograd message

Message posted on 23/03/2019

Workshop: Skepticism and Social Epistemology, Haifa, April 8

You are invited to a workshop entitled "Skepticism and Social
Epistemology" that will take place at the Department of Philosophy
at the University of Haifa on Monday, April 8, 2019.

Although skepticism is a central theme in epistemology, skepticism
is rarely dealt with in social epistemology. A rarely challenged
assumption in the epistemology of testimony is that subjects
normally acquire knowledge and justified belief from the testimony
of others. However, even if we can gain knowledge from
non-testimonial sources, such as perception and inference, there
might be special reasons why we cannot get knowledge or justified
belief from testimony. Our increasing reliance on technologically
and algorithmically mediated testimonies and phenomena such as fake
news may also cast doubts on our possibility of getting testimonial
knowledge in general or specific cases. The workshop talks address
these issues.

The presenters in the workshop are Arnon Keren, Aviv Barnoy, Boaz
Miller, Bryan Frances, Maya Roman, Ori Freiman, and Sandy Goldberg.

Attendance is is free of charge, but prior registration is required.

You may see the full program and register to the workshop at
or you can register by sending an email to

All Best,
Boaz Miller

Boaz Miller PhD,
Senior Lecturer
Department of CIS
Zefat Academic College

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