Eurograd message

Message posted on 23/03/2019

Workshop: Skepticism and Social Epistemology, Haifa, April 8

                You are invited to a workshop entitled "Skepticism and Social
<br>    Epistemology" that will take place at the Department of Philosophy
<br>    at the University of Haifa on Monday, April 8, 2019.
<br>    Although skepticism is a central theme in epistemology, skepticism
<br>    is rarely dealt with in social epistemology. A rarely challenged
<br>    assumption in the epistemology of testimony is that subjects
<br>    normally acquire knowledge and justified belief from the testimony
<br>    of others. However, even if we can gain knowledge from
<br>    non-testimonial sources, such as perception and inference, there
<br>    might be special reasons why we cannot get knowledge or justified
<br>    belief from testimony. Our increasing reliance on technologically
<br>    and algorithmically mediated testimonies and phenomena such as fake
<br>    news may also cast doubts on our possibility of getting testimonial
<br>    knowledge in general or specific cases. The workshop talks address
<br>    these issues. 
<br>    The presenters in the workshop are Arnon Keren, Aviv Barnoy, Boaz
<br>    Miller, Bryan Frances, Maya Roman, Ori Freiman, and Sandy Goldberg.
<br>    Attendance is is free of charge, but prior registration is required.
<br>    You may see the full program and register to the workshop at
<br>    or you can register by sending an email to
<br>    All Best,
<br>    Boaz Miller
<br>    -- 
<br>         Boaz Miller PhD,
<br>              MA, BSc 
<br>          Senior Lecturer 
<br>          Department of CIS 
<br>          Zefat Academic College
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