Eurograd message

Message posted on 18/03/2025

🦄 CfA Hype Studies Conference: (Don't) Believe the Hype🦄 / Submit till 10.5.

                Dear EASST list members,

Please consider to submit an abstract (academic or artistic) to the *newly
founded Hype Studies Platform*, organising its first edition a *Hype
Studies Conference* in Barcelona, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, the
10th-12th of September 2025.

You can find the CfP (deadline 10th of May) on the brand new webpage:

*What is Hype studies about?*

Hype Studies is an emergent, transdisciplinary research arena aimed at
inquiring hype as a powerful and pervasive phenomenon that influences
economic trends, political agendas, media narratives, and technological

We are a group of researchers, scholars and designers exploring how hype is
a thing that does things. A force composing and affecting attention,
markets, politics, feelings, imagination, matter, knowledge and the social
experience of time. The Hype Studies Platform is aimed at sharing resources
and events to collectively understand and intervene into hype and its

Join us to the inaugural conference at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
this September. We will organise the conference around these themes and


   1. *Concepts and characteristics*: How to define hype against rivaling
   concepts in academic and media representations? What is the difference
   between hype an imaginaries, trends, alarmism, visions, expectations or

   2. *Dynamics and temporalities*: How can hype be read, studied, assessed
   - or even anticipated? When and where does hype happen? How can
   narratological, artistic, historic, ethnographic, statistical and
   bibliometric, or discourse analytical approaches inform the study of hype?

   3. *Engaging*: How do practitioners and artists depict, experience,
   produce and deal with hypes? We welcome contributions on topics ranging
   from debunking, myth-busting, fact-checking, training in journalism,
   science and technology communication, artistic interventions...


   1. *Panel presentation*: Traditional academic panel where you will
   present your research or insight into a topic, theory, initiative or
   project and its background. The conference organisers will put your
   proposal along other 3 similar.

   2. *Open floor*: Curate a discussion space, where two or more people
   gather to discuss about a topic, concept, project or event. We expect this
   format to be interactive and participatory, including the audience. You
   submit individually, or as a group.

   3. *Making and Doing*: Present on the conference space action-research
   projects, workshops, activist interventions, games, video art and other
   experiments. We will incorporate your work on the conference location as
   art installation, workshop/game or a video. Alternatively, you can also
   pitch a format you find inspirational (open format).

We are looking forward to receiving your abstracts!

With best regards,

The hype study group

Andreu Belsunces Gonçalves
Metabolism of Techno-Financial Worlding > A Work-In-Progress Speculative
Science, Technology and Fiction(al) Studies >
Technopolitical transitions >


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