Eurograd message

Message posted on 24/08/2023

Invitation: 13th BOAP Colloquium - with Anne Helmond & Fernando van der Vlist

                *What: 13th BOAP Colloquium - with Anne Helmond & Fernando van der Vlist
*When: September 11th, 4 pm (CEST)
*Zoom PW: 099802
*Full invitation & recordings:

Dear colleagues,
We invite you to join the Biographies of Artifacts and Practices (BOAP) 
Colloquium. Based on a collaboration between researchers from the 
University of Edinburgh, Aalto University and the Technical University 
of Berlin, this bimonthly colloquium provides an open platform for an 
international network of researchers interested in BOAP and related 
methodological and analytical approaches. Its main goal is to contribute 
to strengthening the robustness of research designs in STS and the 
sociology of technology and innovation. Each event features the 
presentation and discussion of one research project that traces the 
biographies of complex sociotechnical systems across multiple sites and 
extended time frames, often linking multiple studies and scales of analysis.

The colloquium will take place online on September 11th, 4 pm (CEST). It 
will feature a talk by Anne Helmond (Utrecht University) and Fernando 
van der Vlist (University of Amsterdam). The speakers will discuss the 
use of web archives and software repositories as resources for analyzing 
the biographies of continuously changing digital technologies and 
systems, drawing on several case studies.

For more information on the colloquium, please refer to the full 

If you are interested in the activities of the research network, or 
would like to present at the colloquium, get in touch at


David Seibt (er/ihm/sein - he/him/his)

Technische Universität Berlin
Institute of Sociology
Chair of the Sociology of Technology and Innovation

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