Eurograd message

Message posted on 09/11/2022

FW: Postdoc Circular & Re-Use Solar Panels in the City of Amsterdam

                Dear members of EASST mailing list,

Please, find our vacancy for a  Postdoc Circular & Re-Use Solar Panels in the
City of Amsterdam below, which was only distributed at the WTMC mailing list,
but now the deadline is approaching I'm glad to send it around to the EAST
mailing list too.

The postdoc will work on policy instruments, user practices, customer
journeys, niche and learning evaluation for re-use of solar panels in the city
of Amsterdam and will work under my supervision. We are looking for a
candidate with either an interdisciplinary background or an innovation studies
or STS background. Application deadline is 12 November and the ambition is to
hire the candidate as soon as possible. More details below and through the

Jaco Quist

Postdoc Circular & Re-Use Solar Panels in the City of Amsterdam Apply
To explore the potential of re-use of solar panels the Municipality of
Amsterdam has approved a project coordinated by Amsterdam Metropolitan
Institute for Sustainable Solutions.
Job description
The growth of solar panel installations in Amsterdam is remarkable but also
implies considerable challenges. It is expected that solar panel e-waste will
increase later in this decade,  mainly from the first generation of installed
solar panels that will reach the end of their lifetime. In addition, e-waste
will also be caused by the replacement of relatively new solar panels.
To explore the potential of re-use of solar panels the Municipality of
Amsterdam has approved a project coordinated by Amsterdam Metropolitan
Institute for Sustainable Solutions (AMS) to study opportunities, conditions
and constraints of re-using of solar panels, which combines a research part
with practical implementation activities by project partners from practice.
The research part will be conducted by a postdoc who will partly work the ESS
department of faculty of TPM in Delft and partly at the AMS institute in
Amsterdam. The hired postdoc will contribute to the PV re-use project by (i)
looking  into the state of the literature, (ii) identifying promising policy
instruments and governance options, (iii) and by developing product-service
concepts, business cases and options how re-use can be organised, to assess
potential locations in Amsterdam, and to identify relevant cases and
developments elsewhere in the Netherlands. It may include assessing how re-use
may influence the environmental impact and user acceptance research, and a
plan how replication to other locations in the Netherlands can take place.
15-20% of the position will be dedicated to (support on) teaching on
sustainable innovations and transitions, supervision of relevant master thesis
projects, and (contributing to) developing research proposals for the
Circularity Lab at the department. This research part consists of a 10 months
postdoctoral research position at the faculty of Technology, Policy,
Management of TU Delft at the section of Energy of Industry in the Department
of Engineering Services and Services, preferably starting at December 1, 2022,
or as soon as possible after December 1.
The postdoc will conduct the following activities:

  *   review the current state in the literature
  *   identify promising policy instruments and governance options how re-use
can be organised
  *   develop product-service concepts, business cases, to evaluate cases and
developments elsewhere in the Netherlands and internationally
  *   develop customer journeys, to conduct user acceptance research, and to
evaluate the project and its learnings
  *   supervise relevant student thesis projects relevant to the re-use
  *   develop plans for follow-up research and turn results into (i) project
deliverables for the municipality and (ii) scientific papers
  *   contribute to teaching on sustainable innovation and transitions,
possibly to the development of a new advanced course on sustainable innovation
and transitions, and to support the development of research proposals for the
Circularity Lab at the ESS department.
This is an interesting opportunity for researchers who have nearly or recently
finished a PhD in innovation or transition studies and have an interest and
expertise on sustainable innovation, transitions and Circular Economy.

  *   A (nearly) completed PhD relevant for the position in a relevant
interdisciplinary field like Transition and Innovation Studies, Industrial
Design, Sustainability Studies, Energy Science, System Engineering, Industrial
Ecology, Governance & Policy Analysis, Environmental Studies or another
relevant PhD qualification, or several years of experience as a junior or
applied researcher;
  *   Experience with working interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary;
  *   Available at or before December 1, or asap afterwards;
  *   Willingness to conduct field work in Amsterdam and to collaborate with
partners in the project;
  *   Understanding and speaking Dutch is considered as an advantage;
  *   Excellent skills in writing and speaking English.

Recent papers
Setyowati, A, Quist, J (2022) Contested transition? Exploring the politics and
process of regional energy planning in Indonesia, Energy Policy 165, 112980,
T vd Voorn, C vd Berg, J Quist, K Kok (2022) Making waves in resilience:
Drawing lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic for advancing sustainable
development -
ScienceDirect, Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 4, 100171
J Langer et al, (2022) How offshore wind could become economically attractive
in low-resource regions like Indonesia
(, I-Sciece, 104945,
J Langer, C Infante Ferreira, J Quist (2022) Is bigger always better?
Designing economically feasible ocean thermal energy conversion systems using
spatiotemporal resource data, Applied Energy 309, 118414,
J Langer, J Quist, K Blok (2022) Upscaling scenarios for ocean thermal energy
conversion with technological learning in Indonesia and their global
relevance, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 158, 112086,
Lead Editor SPECIAL VOLUME on Progess in CE and SCP in JCLP based on
Jaco Quist, PhD
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management
Postbus 5015, NL-2600 GA Delft                      (postal address)
Room A3.220, Jaffalaan 5, NL-2628 BX Delft    (visiting address)
E-mail: Tel. ++31
152785584; Fax. ++31 152783177

TPM Delft Circularity Lab
( Glamurs FP7
project: InContext project; KAN-SSCP Systems of
Sustainable Consumption and Production | Future
Earth, ERSCP society Indonesia Energy Transition project:
Indonesia Regional Energy Transition TU
Delft Personal Profile: J.N. (Jaco) Quist - J.N. Quist
( Google
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