EASST Review Editorial Team


EASST Review Editorial Team

The Past and Futures of Transformations

The issue comes out in the dark winter months of Europe as the year draws to a close, but in it we look back to those sunny days many of us had the good fortune to spend in the company of colleagues and friends at the EASST-4S conference in July. We dedicate most of this issue of EASST Review to various reports and reflections from both the organizers and delegates at this conference in Amsterdam, which was the largest gathering in the history of the field. More than 3300 delegates from 63 countries came together to participate in nearly 400 panels as well as the other events that made up the conference. The co-chairs of the local organizing committee, Teun Zuiderent-Jerak and Michiel van Oudheusden, share their thoughts on what it was like to bring so many STS scholars together in one place. We also have contributions from several early career researchers, for some of whom this was their first ever STS conference. They share with us how they navigated the unfamiliar spaces and rhythms of EASST-4S and offer insights and suggestions to conference ‘newbies’.

We are also pleased to showcase once again the range of creative talent and imagination of our community, by publishing the winning entries to the second EASST Creative Writing Competition. Building on the success of the first competition held in 2022, this year’s entrants were asked to respond to the conference theme: ‘Making and Doing Transformations’ in the form of poetry, flash fiction, or short story. We hope you enjoy reading them. 

We also include several reports from the exciting initiatives that colleagues are involved in leading all across Europe, often supported by the EASST Fund. This issue we learn about social scientists discussing outer space, venture capital and efforts to build STS communities and networks in Germany, Finland and Ireland.

It has been a tumultuous year of conflict and suffering, and STS and its communities are affected in numerous ways. The Review shall remain a place for collaboration and community-building, as well as a space to critically reflect on what it means for our discipline to be political. Please consider submitting contributions about your thoughts, experiences, and interventions that STS may make in a time when critique is under attack.

Whatever the year ahead may hold, we wish everyone a restful break for the forthcoming holiday period.

Looking ahead

Our next issue will come out in June 2025. If you are interested in contributing an article, please familiarise yourself with the submission guidelines and submit your piece by 12 May 2025. Feel free to contact your friendly editorial team at review@easst.net to discuss your contribution.