Eurograd message

Message posted on 26/03/2025

SHOT Annual Meeting

Dear all, I hope this email finds you well. In view of the next SHOT Annual Meeting (Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxembourg), 9-11 October 2025) we are pleased to share the call for papers for a panel we would like to organize. It will be entitled What is Special in Maintaining Communication Technologies? Caring and Repair Human Connections. For those interested, we ask you to forward your proposal by the end of this week. You find the panel abstract and the form to submit here. Best regards,

Riccardo Ferrigato & Gabriele Balbi [cid:fce3ac9b-d1aa-4ad8-8da5-7f76f5845deb]

IMeG - Istituto di Media e Giornalismo

Facolt di comunicazione, cultura e societ

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