Eurograd message

Message posted on 12/03/2025

Emotions and Transition - Call for papers - Global Tipping Points Conference - 30 June to 3 July

apologies for cross-posting

Dear colleagues,

We are excited to invite you to submit papers to our session on "Emotions as Tipping Points in a 'Net Zero' Transition" at the Global Tipping Points Conference 2025. Details below.

Registration and the call for abstracts for the Global Tipping Points Conference 2025 (30 June - 3 July, Exeter, UK) are now open. The programme is shaping up really well with 30 keynote speakers and 50 breakout sessions (a combination of research and action workshops). There are evening activities to facilitate networking and extend the programme: a fireside chat with Paul Polman and Jonathon Porritt; BBQ; street food; systems games; music and films.

Title Emotions as Tipping Points in a 'Net Zero' Transition Short description (not more than 200 words) Delivering a 'net zero' transition necessitates understanding people's emotional desires for the future. Human emotions have the potential to speed up the transition or delay it with social, political and cultural negative tipping points. Visceral feelings like eco-anxiety and solastalgia are mobilised in political action, direct action and other forms of protest. Emotions and affects which run counter to the goal of transition need to be reckoned with as negative tipping points. Right-wing actors have stoked net zero culture wars, amplifying attachments to high-carbon lives and increasing resistance to calls for decarbonisation. Policy and societal actors must find ways of working with these affective energies to channel desires for action into programmes for rapid societal decarbonisation. We are keen to hear from researchers exploring the interplay between climate emotions and affects, on the one hand, and political/policy action for a rapid transition, on the other hand, as well as research which examines what it means to enable positive social tipping points in the transition. We welcome contributions from researchers at all career stages and disciplines, and are open to different conceptualisations of 'emotions', 'feelings', and 'affect' and ways of studying them as tipping points. We will be exploring publication options after the conference. Convenors (with institution) Laura Fogg Rogers (University of the West of England) and Melanie Rohse (Anglia Ruskin University) Linked to a Royal Geographical Society conference in August 2025

Dr Mel Rohse (she/her) Associate Professor of Sustainable Communities Global Sustainability Institute Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge, UK

I work part-time and my normal working days are Tuesday to Friday.

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