Eurograd message

Message posted on 06/03/2025

Job opportunity: Research Fellow (Medicine without Doctors)

Dear all, Please see below for details of a Research Fellow position working with me for 5.5yrs in Science, Technology & Innovation Studies (STIS) at the University of Edinburgh as part of the Wellcome-funded project, Medicine without Doctors: Reimagining Care and Voice through Play. This is an exciting opportunity to work in close collaboration with design studio Andthen to develop playful methods for interdisciplinary research. It is likely to be of interest to people with knowledge or experience of design/making/creative methods and ethnography. The job description and application process can be found here: Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Medicine without Doctors) I welcome informal inquiries about this position and encourage potential applicants to get in touch via email: Best wishes, Cath Montgomery

Dr Catherine Montgomery

Senior Lecturer and Chancellor's Fellow Science, Technology & Innovation Studies, University of Edinburgh

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