Eurograd message

Message posted on 25/02/2025

#ApplyClubHealth next speaker

Event alert: 25th of February, 12 pm CET


is happy to present our next speaker: @Roanne van Voorst: Working with clinicians, working with AI

In this talk Roanne will talk about an issue that is recognizable to many (applied) anthropologists: how one works and criticizes that work, with clinicians and nurses who work as trusted gatekeepers to otherwise hard to access fields of anthropological research. The talk is based on the ongoing study on ethical AI in healthcare, which she is conducting with her team of PhDs and postdocs in 7 countries.

Dr. Roanne van Voorst is a futures-anthropologist and the PI (principal investigator) of a research about the future of healthcare. She is Editor-in-Chief of the Futures Reframed Journal and serves as the President of the Dutch Future Society. She is currently affiliated to the University of Amsterdam. She writes a monthly, digital letter to a few thousand readers about slow sciences and her creative work (you can subscribe through her website,, and hosts an audio platform where anthropologists from all over the world share their stories from the field: The Emic (

Please join us for a fascinating talk on a highly relevant topic! The Apply Club Health Team

Apply Club Health is the community for those interested in finding solutions to improve health and healthcare by employing an applied anthropology perspective; it provides an open space to talk, meet, network and exchange ideas, best practices, resources and opportunities.

If you are interested in knowing more about our future events, sign up to our mailing list here: out our Linkedin group:

Apply Club Health is part of the Applied Anthropology Network:


Mirko Pasquini

Assistant Professor, School of Global Studies (SGS),

University of Gothenburg

Affiliated Researcher, Centre for Medical Humanities (CMH)

Uppsala University

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