One more week to submit abstract to Special Issue on Empirical AI Ethics
One more week left to submit abstract:
CFP For Special Issue on Empirical AI Ethics @Cambridge Forum on AI: Culture and Society
The journal invites submissions for its upcoming Themed Issue on Empirical AI Ethics.
The issue will be Guest Edited by Paula Helm and Selin Gerlek (University of Amsterdam).
The deadline for abstract submissions is 1 March 2025. Invited full papers will be accepted on a rolling basis after they have undergone double blind peer review. The deadline for full paper submissions is July 1st.
"Cambridge Forum on AI: Culture & Society" has recently been founded by its acting editors-in-chief Tobias Blanke and Georgina Born. It is fully Open Access and CUP will not charge any APCs.
And here is the call description: "In recent years, AI has become a central force in shaping various aspects of human life, ranging from decision-making over cultural production to societal infrastructures, sparking wide-ranging ethical debates. However, classical approaches to AI ethics often rely on abstract principles and Western-centric perspectives that may overlook the lived experience of those directly and even indirectly affected by AI systems. This themed issue seeks to address these issues by focusing on empirical approaches to AI ethics, which ground ethical reflection on concrete practices, values, and experiences. Empirical AI Ethics continues the so-called empirical turn in epistemology, the humanities and beyond by connecting insights gained through qualitative and quantitative research with value considerations. The analytical focus thereby shifts from a focus on top-down ethical principles to understanding what different actors and stakeholders consider desirable and undesirable practices, whether at the individual, societal or institutional level. Empirical AI Ethics, as advanced in this themed issue, enacts a turn towards a horizontal perspective (bottom-up or from within), captured in terms like ethics in practice, fieldwork ethics, empirical philosophy, or everyday ethics. While there are several approaches to empirical ethics, this issue will present reflections inspired by lines of tradition within philosophy and anthropology that build on a situated understanding of knowledge, including science and technology studies (STS), feminist care and biomedical ethics, postphenomenology, material semiotics, and praxeology. Unlike classical AI ethics, such empirical approaches to AI ethics do not determine a priori what is good and right. Instead, enquiry focuses on the perspectives and opinions of affected communities regarding normative issues emerging vis--vis the implementation of AI systems within various areas of life".
Dr. Paula M. Helm , Asst. Prof. in Data Science & Empirical Ethics, Coordinator MA Cultural Data & AI, Media Studies Department Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Studies, Research Lead: Empirical Ethics Group
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