Eurograd message

Message posted on 21/02/2025

Design and Grace with Erik Sandelin – Design Societies Research Unit

Dear all, and apologies for cross-posting (and please do circulate),

The Design Societies Research Unit (DSRU) would like to invite you to the upcoming Design and Grace event, featuring Erik Sandelin, and taking place on March 5th 2025 at the Department of Design, Goldsmiths, University of London.

Design and Grace With Erik Sandelin

Wednesday 5th March 2025 Doctoral Masterclass: 11:00 – 13:00hrs | Hexagon, Lockwood Building 211 Seminar: 16:00 – 18:00hrs | Richard Hoggart Building (RHB) 221

In times when human activities violently constrict the lives of others, how can designers cultivate creative acts of withdrawal, foreclosure and leaving be? Erik Sandelin employs 'grace' – actively not doing what you are able to do – to decouple action from force and passivity from resignation in design. This understanding of grace informs a series of design experiments that variously draw on and explore design withdrawal alongside the work of Michel Serres, Patricia MacCormack, Simone Weil and Critical Animal Studies.

The event is organised into two parts.

  1. Between 11am and 1pm Erik will lead a Doctoral Masterclass with MPhil/PhD students at Goldsmiths where we will discuss how his work involves theoretically driven practice-based research.
  2. In the afternoon, between 4pm and 6pm, Erik will present his work in a seminar format, followed by discussion led by Alex Wilkie and chaired by Sarah Pennington.

Please note: you are more than welcome to attend either session depending on what's convenient for you.

Erik’s doctoral thesis can be found here:

Lures for Feeling seminar series Design and Grace is part of the Lures for Feeling seminar series that explores the climate crisis as an aesthetic event marked by an irretrievable loss of feeling and being, challenging design and knowledge practices to address cosmopolitical futures. The series invites scholars and practitioners to engage with more-than-human aesthetics, fostering sensitivity to climatic possibilities and liveable futures where nonhuman others play an active role. By questioning assumptions and unsettling design practices, the series seeks to imagine transformative, yet modest, roles for design in hopeful, ethico-political world-making.



Alex Wilkie Professor of Design and Societies Convenor of the MPhil/PhD Programme in Design (he/him/his)

Out now: More-Than-Human Aesthetics: Venturing Beyond the Bifurcation of Nature

Director: Design Societies Research Unit

Series editor: Dis-positions: Troubling Methods and Theory in STS, Bristol University Press.

Department of Design Goldsmiths, University of London

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