Eurograd message

Message posted on 20/02/2025

⚡Sign STS Petition⚡ remote access & financial fair play for all 🌱

We call on Science and Technology Studies scholars advocating for remote access and financial fair play to sign this petition.

As scholars committed to intersectional justice, we call STS researchers across the globe to sign this petition to demand all STS conferences and meetings to be hybrid by default. Event organizers in STS with the resources and infrastructure available to facilitate hybrid participation, should ensure remote access becomes the standard practice attending our meetings and conferences. Further, they should provide financial transparency concerning the budgets and spendings of the representative associations concerning the realization of their conferences and events.

The petition demands

/1. STS councils, boards and conference committees, and event organizers of the international and local STS associations around the globe provide remote access to ensure hybrid participation becomes a standard practice in our research community./

/2. organizers of STS conferences make the budget and costs of all future STS conferences and their respective associations transparent./

Read and share our petition on where we list the environmental and social justice commitments at stake:

For questions, queries, feedback, or ideas regarding the petition, please write to us at

Thank you for your help!

The initiators of the petition,

Barbara N. Carreras and Jascha Bareis


Jascha Bareis(Profile) (Scholar) (LinkedIn)

Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis(ITAS)

Karlsruher Institute of Technology(KIT)

Research Group Digital Technology and Societal Change(FG DigIT)

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