Reminder: CfP: special issue on citational politics and justice, KULA Journal (Out of Office)
Guten Tag,
Vielen Dank fr Ihre Nachricht. Ich befinde mich bis einschlielich 03.03.2025 im Urlaub ohne Zugang zu meinem Postfach. Ihre Email wird in diesem Zeitraum nicht gelesen. Nach meiner Rckkehr bemhe ich mich um schnellstmgliche Beantwortung.
Herzliche Gre Valerie Varney
Dear all,
Thank you for your email. I am out of office until March 3rd 2025. I will make sure to take care of your request as soon as possible after my return.
Kind regards, Valerie Varney
-- Prof. Dr. Valerie Varney
Fakultt fr Anlagen, Energie- und Maschinensysteme
Technische Hochschule Kln / Cologne University of Applied Science Campus Deutz Betzdorfer Str. 2 50679 Kln Raum: HO 2.29 Tel: +49 221 8275 4144
"Wyatt, Sally (TSS) via Eurograd" 02/18/25 08:51 >>>
KULA Journal - special issue on citational politics and justice
From the first paragraph of the call: Citation remains a cornerstone of scholarly and scientific work. It is how we acknowledge those on whose shoulders we stand, and with whom we are in conversation. It is also an important service to our readers. However, like many academic practices, citation is neither neutral nor universal. There are important differences between disciplines and language groups, and how and what we cite changes over time. There is also a great deal of evidence suggesting that the conscious and unconscious biases and discrimination that marks so much of our world also shapes who gets cited. Such bias serves to render the contributions of marginalised groups less visible. This special issue seeks to explore how we can achieve greater citational and epistemic justice.
Full papers are due at the end of March 2025, and more details of the call can be found on the journal website. We welcome a variety of contributions, including traditional paper formats using qualitative and/or quantitative methods, as well as more experimental forms of representation.
The journal is KULA: Knowledge Creation, Dissemination and Preservation Studies, a diamond open access journal.
Sally Wyatt Professor of Digital Cultures Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS), Maastricht University PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands Website EASST's Eurograd mailing list -- Archive: Edit your delivery settings there using Account dropdown, Mailman settings. Website: Meet us on Mastodon: Or X:
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