Eurograd message

Message posted on 10/02/2025

Announcing UCL STS Newsletter

With Apologies for cross-posting

Dear Colleagues UCL department of Science and Technology Studies STS) is an interdisciplinary group of scholars looking at science as a social and cultural phenomenon, through the lenses of the history, the philosophy and the sociology of science. Besides these core topics we also have a strong expertise in science communication and science policy.

UCL STS is very pleased to launch its newsletter, STS Newsletter. It is meant to keep our friends, colleagues, and all in the STS community abreast of everything exciting happening in the department. You can access this Newsletter though the STS website. If you wish to subscribe to receive the Newsletter (STS News), please click here.

In the February 2025 issue, you will find highlights from Term 1 and what we're looking forward to in Term 2.

The newsletter includes items about:

  • Promotions
  • Department News
  • Brunchtime Talks
  • STS in the Media
  • New Publications from UCL STS

Please feel free to get in touch with us!



You can also find UCL STS on Bluesky, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube.

Kind Regards Jean-Baptiste


Jean-Baptiste Gouyon

Professor of Science communication | Head of Department

Department of Science and Technology Studies, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT

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