Call for Abstracts 馃敭Critical Hype Studies 馃敭 STS Italia Conference (Deadline February 3)
Dear EASST network,
We kindly remind you of the Call for Abstracts for the panel "Critical Hype Studies: Towards a Collaborative and Unified Approach " at the 10th STS Italia Conference, to be held on 11-13 June 2025 at the Politecnico di Milano, Milan (Italy).
Please note that the closing date for submission is February 3, 2025, and this deadline will not be extended
If you have any questions, please reach out!
Have a nice day,
Andreu Belsunces & Vassilis Galanos - On behalf of the Critical Hype Studies Group
-- Andreu Belsunces Gon莽alves Metabolism of Techno-Financial Worlding > A Work-In-Progress Speculative Videoessay Science, Technology and Fiction(al) Studies > Technopolitical transitions >
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