Eurograd message

Message posted on 23/01/2025

CfP Panel on Governing Technologies at ICPP7 Conference (Chiang Mai)

Dear colleagues,

The Southeast Asia Research Centre for Digital Technology & Society (SEADS) at Monash Malaysia and Nottingham University Malaysia are organising a Panel at the upcoming International Conference for Public Policy ICPP7 (Chiang Mai, 2-4 July 2025).

Panel T15P06 . Governing technologies in Southeast Asia: (Re)Thinking digital tech and its policies from a Southern perspective

For this panel, we invite empirical and theoretical scholarly research on the digital policies of Southeast Asia – their possibilities, constraints, and imaginaries. We particularly encourage scholars from Southeast Asia to submit abstracts that engage with concrete policies and policy worlds in Southeast Asia by reframing and critically examining concepts and theories originating from the Global North with a Southern perspective.

The call for abstracts is open until 31 January. More information on the conference website


Please feel free to submit an abstract or share with colleagues, would be great to see you in Chiang Mai!

Thanks & best;


Monash University Malaysia

Southeast Asia Research Centre for Digital Technologies & Society (SEADS )

Dr Stefan Bächtold

Lecturer | SEADS theme lead – Rights, authority, tech

School of Arts and Social Sciences | Building 2, Level 6, Room 2-6-05 | Jalan Lagoon Selatan

47500 Bandar Sunway | Selangor Darul Ehsan | Malaysia | ResearchGate Profile | ORCID | Pure

Our special issue on Governing Technologies is out! Read in the Journal of Digital Media & Policy (open access):

Lim, J. B. Y., Raghunath, P., & Bächtold, S. (2024). Governing Technologies: Exploring datafied practices, imaginaries and digital state assemblages in South and South East Asia. Journal of Digital Media & Policy, 15(3), 309-324. EASST's Eurograd mailing list -- Archive: Edit your delivery settings there using Account dropdown, Mailman settings. Website: Meet us on Mastodon: Or X:

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