Eurograd message

Message posted on 21/11/2024

PhD Stipend in European Sustainable Energy and Market Governance, Aalborg University Copenhagen

Dear colleagues,

I am distributing this position on behalf of Troels Krarup, who is looking for a PhD student to take part in his exciting new research project. 

The host institution is the Copenhagen branch of the Department of Sustainability and Planning at Aalborg University.

The PhD position is part of the research project ‘Green Market Making: Sustainable Energy and the Single Market in Europe (GMM)’ led by Associate Professor Troels Krarup, who will also be the main supervisor of the PhD project. GMM is funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark and aims to develop the concept of green market making and empirically analyze the synergies and conflicts that emerge from the intersection between Europe’s sustainable energy transition and the Single Market framework. The project draws on Michel Callon’s concept of ‘markets in the making’ to study how EU institutions, Member States, and major energy companies engage with the tensions between Europe’s sustainable energy plans and its competition paradigm and how those engagements contribute to the formation of green market making in Europe. The broader research contribution of GMM is to move beyond the traditional foci on either specific market designs or political struggles and instead trace the synergies and conflicts that emerge from the intersection between Europe’s sustainable energy transition and the Single Market framework.

Additional details about the position can be obtained here:

The PhD is a salaried position. A general overview of the salary structure at Danish universities is available here: ducation/   Deadline for submitting an application is January 15 2025.

You may obtain further information, including the full project description, from Troels Krarup by mail or phone (+45 42 58 88 31) concerning the scientific aspects of the stipend.

Kind regards

Ask Greve Johansen Aalborg University

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