Eurograd message

Message posted on 23/10/2024

CfP "In (the) Light of Shadows" @ STS Hub 2025 Berlin, 11-14 March 2025

FYI. Kindly reminder. Apologies for crossposting.

Dear collegues and beyond,

This is an invitation for submitting a paper for our open panel “In (the) Light of Shadows” happening in the context of the STS Hub 2025 Berlin .

The idea for this panel originally emerges from the shadows of the city and the shades under trees (thinking them as material artifacts). For the panel, however, we welcome any papers that deal with the flickering interplay of light and/in shadows, widening up the focus: as a (critical?) analytic, in methods, in the field, materially, or speculatively. How can we think about the shadows (or shade) of our research? What does it mean to bring them into the light?


“In physics, diffraction has an intrinsic relationship with shadows (and shades), for it is defined as “a physical phenomenon that comes into being when a multitude of waves encounter an obstacle upon their path” (Geerts and van der Tuin 2016). For diffraction to happen, the propagation of the wave has to be disturbed by some sort of matter that consequently becomes a “secondary source” of the propagation wave. Hence, a new wave is generated, a wave that bends the corners of the blocking object and enters the geometrical region of the shadow, lightening it up.

Following this entangled relationship, this panel explores the figure of shadows (and shades) as spaces for inhabiting diffraction, and asks what is illuminated in this sense of critique. Therefore, we aim to activate shadows (and shades) as critical zones for theorising and practising research. In that sense, diffraction for us could be described as “a critical practice of mapping out differences” in (the) light of shady zones. We welcome papers that discuss the figure of shadows as, among other things, unclear, invisible, hidden and obscure matters and infrastructures that might be enlightened by diffraction.”

Please send your paper proposal, including a 200-word abstract and a 75-word bio to: and . Do not hesitate to contact us for any query.

Submission deadline is 31 Oct 2024.

Looking forward to reading your submissions.

All the best,

Jorge and Brett

Dr. Jorge Martín Sainz de los Terreros (he/him)

Post-Doctoral Researcher Institute for European Ethnology (IfEE) HU-Berlin Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Str. (ehem. M*hrenstr.) 41 10117 Berlin

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