Eurograd message

Message posted on 18/09/2024

Rethinking the digital virtual - Call for papers (study day and special issue)

On behalf of Céline Borelle. Please, contact Céline directly at <>.

Dear colleagues,

As part of the "Digital detox" project funded by DREES, we are pleased to organize a Study Day on the theme of "Rethinking the digital virtual as a regime of action, experience and relationship", to be held on January 28, 2025 at the EHESS.

It will be inaugurated by a lecture by Lisa Messeri, Professor of Anthropology at Yale University, on her book published in March 2024 by Duke Press, In the land of the unreal. Virtual and other realities in Los Angeles .

A thematic issue of the journal RESET will also be published as part of the conference, the call for papers for which can be found here .

Proposals for papers for the study day should be sent before October 18, 2024.

Please feel free to submit identical proposals for both calls (study day and special issue).

Please find attached the complete call for papers and submission details.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Céline Borelle for the Scientific and Organizing Committee

Argument (summary)

While the "material turn" in the social sciences has shed light on digital infrastructures, this call for proposals asserts that digital technologies have also opened up the possibility of engaging in dematerialized situations. The salutary reconsideration of the idea that the digital would proceed from a suspension of physical and social constraints has led to the dismissal of the notion of the virtual in most social science work. It is our hypothesis that this abandonment has been too radical, and that this notion can usefully characterize registers of action, orders of experience and relational dynamics specific to the digital context.

This call therefore proposes a sociological reinvestigation of the digital virtual as a regime of action, experience and relationship. It calls for empirically grounded study of the dematerialized situations produced by the use of digital technologies. The aim is to investigate how these virtual situations put people and contexts to work, opening up possibilities in terms of simulation, anonymity and distance. The aim is to take a fresh look at the relationship between the real and the virtual, as well as other pairs of notions that are often embedded in the analysis of their articulation: real/false, simulated/authentic, fictitious/effective.

The call for papers aims to bring together contributions studying design, engagement in virtual situations and their regulation. It is structured around three axes, which are organized around different modalities of articulation between the real and the virtual:

  1. Virtual training

  2. Experimenting the virtual

  3. Framing the virtual

-- Francesca Musiani, Ph.D.

Chargée de recherche HDR | Associate Research Professor, CNRS

Directrice adjointe | Deputy Director, Centre for Internet and Society (UPR 2000 & GDR 2091 CNRS) Chercheuse associée | Associate Researcher, i3-CSI , MINES ParisTech Global Fellow, Internet Governance Lab , American University

I'm involved in projects: IAction

| SoBigData++ | TIGre

I help co-editing: Internet Policy Review | RESET I'm an advisor for: ISOC France | ANSSI

I'm here on the Web , including my publications.

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