STS autumn school & conference in Lisbon, 20-22 Nov 2024, "Building Bridges in Times of Crises: Knowledge Exchange about Science and Technology"
Dear all,
we would like to share with you the Call for Papers of the Thematic Section on Knowledge, Science and Technology of the Portuguese Sociological Association (Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia – APS) entitled “Building Bridges in Times of Crises: Knowledge Exchange about Science and Technology”.
The 6th Rumos event is composed of an autumn school for early career scholars and a conference for all career levels taking place between 20-22 November 2024 NOVA FCSH, Lisbon, Portugal. The event will take place in Portuguese and English.
Keynote speakers: Maria do Mar Pereira , University of Warwick Tiago Saraiva , Drexel University
You find the call for papers for the autumn school and the conference below, attached and online:
Best regards,
The co-organizers of the Thematic Section on Knowledge, Science and Technology of the Portuguese Sociological Association (Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia – APS) Ana Ferreira, CICS.NOVA; Nina Amelung, ICS-UL; Rafaela Granja, CECS-UMinho.
AUTUMN SCHOOL: Date: 20-21 November (20th of November 9h30 – 21st of November 13h00) Location: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
About the Autumn School: The Autumn School “Building bridges in times of crises” is dedicated to fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange for all master, PhD students, postdocs and early career scholars working within the wider realm of science and technology studies (STS) and with topics associated with knowledge, science and technology. This aims to be an multidisciplinary event that welcomes researchers with diverse backgrounds, including STS, sociology, anthropology, political science, human geography, history, philosophy, communication and media studies, political economy and technology assessment. The event aims to provide a platform for early-career researchers to attend sessions by renowned experts, present their own research and receive detailed feedback, establish and/or consolidate professional and academic networks, share insights and engage in meaningful discussions with colleagues at various career stages. Sessions will include topics such as publication strategies, career development within and outside of academia and power asymmetries within academia. We aim to discuss the potential articulations of STS with local and global crises, discussed for instance in the context of climate and biodiversity, housing, labor, health, education, migration, social security and welfare states, public discourse and liberal democracies, security and war, and to stimulate a wider debate with the global Southern and Northern STS scholarship. The school aims to contribute to the discussion of how STS may have underexplored potential to confront, critically reflect and constructively engage with complex processes and situations deriving from and entangled with social inequalities and injustices; crises, uncertainties, expectations, and risks; ignorance, resignation and doom spirit.
Work language: The event will be held bilingual (portuguese and english): sessions will be organized in either portuguese or english.
Submission Guidelines: ● Abstracts should be submitted to by the 30th of June, 2024 ● Abstracts should not extend 500 words, and must include a title, 4 keywords, author(s) name, affiliation, and contact information. ● Original research papers, Master or PhD research projects, or thesis/book chapters (maximum 3.000-8.000 words) must be submitted to by the 15th of October, 2024
Important Dates: ● Submission Deadline for Abstracts: 30th of June, 2024 ● Notification of Acceptance: 15th of July, 2024 ● Registration Deadline: 15th of October, 2024 ● Submission Deadline for Papers: 15th of October, 2024
Registration Information: There will be a small fee for participation. There are workshop grants available. We encourage participants to help with the facilitation of the event, including tasks such as registration, facilitating discussion sessions with microphones, etc.
CONFERENCE: Date: 21-22 November 2024 (21st of November 14h30 – 22nd of November 17h00) Location: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
The conference aims to discuss the potential articulations of research within the wider realm of science and technology studies (STS) and with topics associated with knowledge, science and technology. We welcome contributions in dialogue with local and global crises, discussed for instance in the context of climate and biodiversity, housing, labor, health, education, migration, social security and welfare states, public discourse and liberal democracies, security and war. Additionally, we are interested in stimulating a wider debate with the global Southern and Northern STS scholarship. This workshop aims to be an multidisciplinary event that welcomes researchers at all career stages, including Master and PhD students, with diverse backgrounds, including sociology, anthropology, political science, human geography, history, philosophy, communication and media studies, political economy and technology assessment. Taking inspiration from feminist, post- and decolonial STS scholarship, and critical studies of science, the workshop invites all scholars with an interest in STS to reflect upon i) how we can engage in responsible ways with ambiguous social, material, economic, environmental and other infrastructures; ii) how we can reflect about our and others’ ‘situated knowledges’ and tie in theories of resistance and change, hope and care; iii) how we can move beyond critique and imagine futures we want to co-construct and be part of; iv) how we can intervene in ways of ‘staying with the trouble’ in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary engagements. For this workshop, we not only invite research papers, but are open to other modalities of knowledge production and presentation in the traditions of multi-modal knowledge production (including sound, film, poetry, games, mappings, etc.) and making and doing sessions as alternatives to engage with the workshop audiences. Following the workshop there will be a targeted call for papers for a special issue project.
Work language: The event will be held bilingual (portuguese and english): sessions will be organized in either portuguese or english.
Submission Guidelines:
- Abstracts should be submitted to by the 30th of June, 2024
- Abstracts should not extend 300 words and must include a title, 4 keywords; author(s) name, affiliation, and contact information
- In case of particular presentation modalities, please specify the technical affordances in the abstract
Important Dates:
- Submission Deadline: 30th of June, 2024
- Notification of Acceptance: 15th of July, 2024
- Registration Deadline: 15th of October, 2024
Registration Information: There will be a small fee for participation, waived for researchers currently without a contract or fellowship. There are workshop grants available.
Organizers: The co-organizers of the Thematic Section on Knowledge, Science and Technology of the Portuguese Sociological Association (Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia – APS) Ana Ferreira, CICS.NOVA; Nina Amelung, ICS-UL; Rafaela Granja, CECS-UMinho.
Scientific Committee: Ana Delicado, ICS-ULisboa; Ana Ferreira, CICS.NOVA; António Carvalho, CES-UC; Catarina Delaunay, CICS.NOVA; Frederico Águas, CICS.NOVA; Nina Amelung, ICSULisboa; Nuno Boavida, CICS.NOVA; Rafaela Granja, CECS-UMinho; Thais França, CIESISCTE
Contact Information: Please contact for further information
Funding: The workshop and the autumn school receive the support of the EASST Fund and the APS funding for the thematic section.
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