Eurograd message

Message posted on 28/05/2024

Only few days left to submit an abstract to Minerva SI on "The Growth of Science and its Consequences"

Dear colleagues,

this is just a reminder of the approaching deadline for our Special Issue on

Little Science, Big Science, Global Science: The Growth of Science and its Consequences

in the journal /Minerva/. I attach the call. The deadline is 31 May 2024.

Best wishes

Jochen Gläser

-- PD Dr Jochen Gläser

Prof. Dr. Jochen Gläser

Social Studies of Science and Technology

Institute of Philosophy, History of Literature, Science, and Technology

TU Berlin, HBS 7

Hardenbergstr. 16-18

10623 Berlin


  • I am sending this email at a time that suits my workflow. I do not expect a response outside of normal working hours *

-- PD Dr Jochen Gläser

Prof. Dr. Jochen Gläser

Social Studies of Science and Technology

Institute of Philosophy, History of Literature, Science, and Technology

TU Berlin, HBS 7

Hardenbergstr. 16-18

10623 Berlin


  • I am sending this email at a time that suits my workflow. I do not expect a response outside of normal working hours *

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of Minerva SI ScienceGrowthConsequences CfP AbstractDeadline 20240531.pdf]

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