Eurograd message

Message posted on 29/03/2024

Call for Participation – PhD Summer School "Technography" (25 & 26 July, Dortmund, GER)

Dear colleagues,

In July, the TU Dortmund will host a PhD Summer School for doctoral students working in interdisciplinary contexts at the interfaces of social and technical sciences. We are looking forward to receiving your applications!

  • Date: 25 and 26 July 2024, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany
  • The language of the Summer School will be English.
  • Participation is free of charge, travel and accommodation costs will be reimbursed.
  • Deadline for applications: 26.04.2024. Please submit all documents in English.
  • Please send your application to Marion Nölle ( ).

For further information please follow the link to the call for applications. If you have questions, please contact Ronja Trischler ( ).

Please forward this e-mail to any colleagues who may be interested.

With best regards Ronja Trischler, Cornelius Schubert & Paula Helm

Dr. Ronja Trischler Post-Doc Lecturer Sociology of Science and Technology Technische Universität Dortmund Emil-Figge-Str. 50 44227 Dort­mund Germany

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