REMINDER, applications due in one week: Job opening for doctoral candidate or postdoc at University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Dear all,
Hereby a friendly reminder of the job opening below, and of the due date for applications on the 4th of March:
Apologies for cross-posting, and please feel free to circulate widely (especially to MA-students)
Job opening: We are looking for a motivated colleague to join us in the project Testing (Bio)Governance as a doctoral student or a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Klagenfurts Department of Society, Knowledge and Politics
The project Testing (Bio)Governance will explore the uses of tests during the COVID-pandemic, focusing on and comparing sites in Austria, the Netherlands, and England. It seeks to contribute to our understanding of the uses of technologies in the governance of human health and illness. We are specifically interested in exploring how distinct moralities both sustain and are sustained by the uses of (testing) technologies. The project is funded by the FWF, the Austrian Science Fund. It will commence in April 2024 and run until March 2028.
Your responsibilities in the project:
- You will participate in a collaborate research project and project meetings.
- You will be responsible for planning and conducting empirical research within the project and for publishing and disseminating research results.
Some empirical research will involve travelling to sites in Austria, the Netherlands, and England. Your qualifications:
- We expect applicants to have training in Science and Technology Studies, Sociology, Political Science, or a related discipline.
- Experience with qualitative methods are a requirement.
- Further requirements include familiarity with two of the three languages used in the projects case studies (i.e., English, German, and Dutch). The position will be funded for 36 (doctoral) or 24 (postdoctoral) months, with the possibility for an extension of 12 months. It will be paid according to the Collective Bargaining Agreement for Austrian universities.
To apply for this position: Please prepare the following documents and information and send them to by the 4th of March 2024.
- A motivation letter, in which you outline your motivation to join the project team and how you envision to contribute to the project (maximum 2 pages)
- An academic CV (maximum 3 pages)
- Certificate of completed studies
- A writing example (which can be a part of your Masters/PhD thesis);
- Contact details for one referee Please note that there will be an opening for a second position in this project in 2024. The second position will be affiliated at the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in Krems.
For any questions on the project and the advertised position(s) please reach out to the project leaders, Erik Aarden (University of Klagenfurt; or Ingrid Metzler (Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences Krems; ).
Dr. Erik Aarden Assistant Professor Department of Society, Knowledge and Politics Universitt Klagenfurt Lakeside Park B07 b Universittsstrae 65-67 9020 Klagenfurt am Wrthersee, Austria +43 463 2700 6118
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