Eurograd message

Message posted on 19/02/2024

CfA - Summer school: Meta-perspectives on climate change knowledge

Apologies for cross-posting

Dear colleagues,

We would like to invite both junior and senior scholars to a one-week summer school on meta-perspectives on climate change knowledge, 29 July to 5 August 2024 at Lgumkloster Hjskole, Denmark. See below and attached for further information.

Call for Abstracts

Act, React & Reflect: Meta-perspectives on climate change knowledge

NSU study circle/Summer school, 29 July to 5 August 2024, Lgumkloster Hjskole, Denmark

In this summer school, we invite participants with an interest in exploring the role and understanding of knowledge in relation to climate change and sustainability transitions from different angles and disciplinary perspectives. The summer school is organized as a guest study circle under the umbrella of the Nordic Summer University (NSU), a Nordic independent academic institution fostering interdisciplinary, non-hierarchical in-depth intellectual exchanges.

We welcome contributions from a wide range of disciplines, including but not limited to science and technology studies (STS), theory of science, philosophy, political science, sociology, anthropology, and sustainability science. We also welcome practitioners interested in reflecting on the knowledge dimension of sustainability practices. We invite contributions on any of the following topics:

Expertise and experts

Planning, markets, and economics.

Academic engagement and activism

Climate denial and obstruction

Theorizing sustainability transitions

Boundaries in knowledge production

The aim of the summer school is to provide opportunities for in-depth discussion and exchanges based on participants' papers and research interests, meaningful interdisciplinary knowledge exchanges and network building around joint interests. There will also be opportunity for participation and cross-fertilization with the other parallel NSU study circles and social activities.

We welcome in particular PhD students and early career researchers. PhD students will be awarded 5 ECTS credits for full participation in the summer school.


The summer school is organized as a guest study circle under the umbrella of the Nordic Summer University (NSU). It is centered on in-depth engagement with participants' papers. The summer school will also host a keynote talk by Darrin Durrant, University of Melbourne. The program also includes joint workshops where we work together to identify our common interests and most pressing issues within and across the focus topics. We hope that the combination of extended paper sessions, workshops and social activities will stimulate ongoing conversations and network building among participants.


Darrin Durrant, University of Melbourne, Australia. Dr. Durant's research focuses on disputes between experts and publics, and he has published widely on controversies involving nuclear waste management, nuclear power, public policy about energy options, and more recently is investigating climate change policy-making and the impacts on democracy of disinformation and misinformation. In general terms, Dr Durant theorizes the relations between experts and democratic discussion and decision-making.

Submission deadline: 3rd May 2024

Proposals should be written in English and include title, author name(s), email, affiliation, an abstract (max 350 words), and short biographical note (about 150 words). Submit your proposal by email to the coordinators: and

See attached pdf call for full details


Jakob Lundgren (PhD), Linguistics and Theory of Science Unit, Gothenburg University, Sweden,

Anders Hylm (PhD), School of Business, Innovation and sustainability, Halmstad University, Sweden,

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of CfP Meta-Perspectives on Climate Knowledge.pdf]

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