FedCSIS 2024 Call For Papers
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Call for Papers
19th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS 2024) Belgrade, Serbia, 8-11 September, 2024 (on-site) IEEE #61123; SCOPUS; Web of Science
Submission deadline: May 14, 2024
The mission of the FedCSIS Conference Series is to provide a presentation, discussion and a reputable publication forum in computer science and intelligence systems. The forum invites researchers and practitioners from around the world to contribute their research results focused on their scientific and professional interests in a chosen area.
The FedCSIS conference consists of the Main Track and Thematic Tracks. Papers submitted to the Main Track can be assigned, by their authors, to Topical Areas, which are managed by Topical Area Curators. Based on the scope of the contribution, Topical Area Curators select its reviewers from the Main Track Program Committee. Besides the Main Track, the authors may prefer to submit their papers to Thematic Tracks, as listed below.
For all five Topical Areas, situated within a general domain of Computer Science, the continually emerging topic of Intelligence Systems stands as the common denominator. All Thematic Tracks also refer to the Intelligence Systems from different perspectives. They are regarded as a path toward introducing more Intelligence into Computer Science and IT.
Main Track:
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* Topical Area 1: Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Applications
* Topical Area 2: Computer Science & Systems
* Topical Area 3: Network Systems and Applications
* Topical Area 4: Information Technology for Business and Society
* Topical Area 5: Software, System and Service Engineering
Thematic Tracks:
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The following Thematic Tracks are confirmed for FedCSIS 2024 (for more details, see conference WWW site):
- Advances in Programming Languages (APL)
- AI in Agriculture (AgriAI)
- AI in Digital Humanities, Computational Social Sciences and Economics Research (AI-HuSo)
- Application of Disruptive Technologies for Society 5.0 (ADTS)
- Challenges for Natural Language Processing (CNLPS)
- Complex Networks - Theory and Application (CN-TA)
- Computational Optimization (CO)
- Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms (CANA)
- Data Science in Health, Ecology and Commerce (DSH)
- Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems and Software Agents (ICPS-SA)
- Information Systems Management (ISM)
- Internet of Things - Enablers, Challenges and Applications (IoT-ECAW)
- Knowledge Acquisition and Management (KAM)
- Model Driven Approaches in System Development (MDASD)
- Multimedia Applications and Processing (MMAP)
- Recent Advances in Information Technology - Doctoral Symposium (DS-RAIT)
- Resilience in Critical Infrastructures and Systems (RCIS)
- Rough Sets: Theory and Applications (RSTA)
Scalable Computing (SC)
Keynote Speakers:
Jovanovic, Jelena University of Belgrade, Serbia Keynote title: Learning analytics: Challenges and opportunities opened by AI Kutyniok, Gitta Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen (LMU Munich) Keynote title: Reliable AI: Successes, Challenges, and Limitations Tolvanen, Juha-Pekka Metacase, Finland Keynote title: Languages for non-developers: what, how, where? Frank, Urlich University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Keynote title: Multi-Level Language Architectures: Fostering Reuse, Integration and User Empowerment by Allowing for Additional Abstraction
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Zdzisl/aw Pawlak best paper award
Professor Zdzisl/aw Pawlak (1926-2006) has been regarded as one of the fathers of Computer Science in Poland. His theory of Rough Sets has been one of the most recognizable contributions made by a scientist in Poland to the area of Artificial Intelligence worldwide. In his research, Professor Pawlak has always emphasized the need for cross-disciplinary, cross-country, and cross-generation cooperation. In Computer Science, there may emerge a brilliant idea in someone's head, but it requires collaborators to make it grow dynamically and then - a number of subject matter experts, from various fields, to develop its practical applications.
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The following categories of awards are eligible for all paper submitted to the FedCSIS conference:
- Best Paper Award (EUR600): the best out of all papers accepted to the conference
- Young Researcher Award (EUR400): the best out of papers whereby all authors are younger than 40 years
- Industry Cooperation Award (EUR400): the best out of papers whereby there are at least two different authors, one working in academia and another one in industry
International Cooperation Award (EUR400): the best out of papers whereby there are at least two different authors working in institutions located in two different countries.
We believe that all these categories reflect the principles of Professor Pawlak's work. The awards are decided by the Committee of esteemed scientists, who have had the privilege to know and cooperate with Professor Pawlak. As already mentioned, all papers - submitted to all parts of FedCSIS - are eligible. This way, the thematic integrity of FedCSIS is emphasized. List of past winners is available at the conference WWW site.
Important dates
- Paper submission (no extensions): May 14, 2024
- Position paper submission: June 2, 2024
- Author notification: June 18, 2024
- Final paper submission, registration: July 9, 2024
Conference date: September 8-11, 2024
Chairs of FedCSIS 2024
Lukovic, Ivan University of Belgrade, Serbia Honorary Chair of FedCSIS Conference Series: Maciaszek, Leszek A. Wrocl/aw University of Economics and Business, Poland and Macquarie University, Australia Chairs of the FedCSIS Conference Series: Ganzha, Maria Warsaw University of Technology and Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland Paprzycki, Marcin Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw and Management Academy, Poland Slezak, Dominik QED Software and University of Warsaw, Poland and OnstageAI and DeepSeas, USA
CONTACT FedCSIS at: secretariat@fedcsis.org
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