Eurograd message

Message posted on 01/02/2024

Call: Medical Humanities International Summer School 2024 for PhD students

apologies for cross-posting

The Centre for Medical Humanities and Bioethics (Linkping University) and the Institute for Medical Humanities (Durham University) jointly call for applications for a Medical Humanities International Summer School 2024:

Interdisciplinarity: Medical Humanities and Research at the intersections of the Humanities, the Social Sciences, Clinical Practice and Biomedicine

What does interdisciplinarity in medical humanities mean? What are the epistemological underpinnings of different interdisciplinary ways of engaging in medical humanities research? What are the challenges and possibilities in interdisciplinary research at the intersection between the humanities, the social sciences, clinical research, and biomedicine?

These are some of the questions that will be explored in this Medical Humanities Summer School aimed at PhD students in medical humanities, social sciences, and medicine, and with an interest in interdisciplinary research.

The Summer School will be held between 9-11 September 2024, in beautiful Vadstena, close to Linkping, Sweden. It is coordinated by the Centre for Medical Humanities and Bioethics at Linkping University, in collaboration with the Institute for Medical Humanities at Durham University.

For information about practical details, bursaries, and how to apply please visit:

Application deadline 12th of March.

Best regards, Jelmer Brggemann, on behalf of the organizing committee Associate professor

[Linkping University]

Department of Thematic Studies - Technology and social change s-581 83 Linkping Visiting address: Campus Valla, T-building Please visit us at Latest publication: Brggemann, J., Guntram, L., Nedlund, AC. (2023). The "Difficult Patient" - Dominant Logics and Misfits in Medicine. In: Liamputtong, P. (eds) Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health. Springer, Cham.

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