Eurograd message

Message posted on 31/01/2024

Announcement of the Publication: "Manufacturing Refused Knowledge in the Age of Epistemic Pluralism"

Dear colleagues,

We are delighted to announce the release of the book, "Manufacturing Refused Knowledge in the Age of Epistemic Pluralism," edited by Federico Neresini, Maria Carmela Agodi, Stefano Crabu, and Simone Tosoni.

The book, comprising 11 insightful chapters, is now available in Open Access on the publisher's website at the following link:

The book explores contemporary practices that challenge science, arguing that this matter cannot be simply disregarded as a new manifestation of “anti-scientism”. It scrutinizes the processes through which knowledge claims, refused by established institutions and the scientific community, seek legitimacy. Assuming an agnostic analytical stance, it explores the actors involved in such processes and their social worlds, their interactions with epistemic institutions, and the ways in which they enact such refused knowledge in their daily lives. Drawing on a three-year mixed-method research project, this collection demonstrates how refused knowledge can be seen as a distinct mode of knowing, mobilized in response to the uncertainties of everyday life.

We encourage you to explore the book and share this announcement with your colleagues and networks.

We hope that this book will inspire further reflection and discussion within our community.

Best regards,

Stefano Crabu, on behalf of the Co-editors

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