Linda Hall Library, 2024-25 Fellowships & Info Sessions
Dear Colleagues,
The Linda Hall Library is now accepting applications for its 2024-25 fellowship program. These fellowships provide graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and independent scholars in the history of science and related humanities fields with financial support to explore the Library's outstanding science and engineering collections. Fellows also participate in a dynamic intellectual community alongside in-house experts and scholars from other Kansas City cultural institutions.
The Linda Hall Library offers residential fellowships to support on-site research in Kansas City, as well as virtual fellowships for scholars working remotely using resources from our digital collections. Applicants may request up to four months of funding at a rate of $3,000 per month for doctoral students and $4,200 per month for postdoctoral researchers and scholars with other terminal degrees (e.g., MFA, MLIS).
In addition, the Library has several fellowships intended for specific groups of researchers, including:
- The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Fellowship (9 months, postdoctoral, $5,000 per month)
- The History of Science and Medicine Fellowship, cosponsored by the Clendening History of Medicine Library (1 month, doctoral, $3,000 per month)
- The Pearson Fellowship in Aerospace History (Up to 2 months, postdoctoral, $4,200 per month)
- The Presidential Fellowship in Bibliography (Up to 4 months, postdoctoral, $4,200 per month)
- The Ukraine Fellowship, offered in partnership with the UK-Ukraine Twinning Initiative (Up to 2 months, doctoral/postdoctoral, Ukrainian citizens only, $4,200 per month)
Further details about the Linda Hall Library's 2024-25 fellowships can be found on our website: While you are there, you can submit an application or sign up for our online information sessions on December 8, 2023 and January 5, 2024.
You are also welcome to email questions directly to As a reminder, all application materials, including recommendation letters, are due no later than January 19, 2024.
Please share this announcement with graduate students, colleagues, or anyone else who might be benefit from the Linda Hall Library's collections.
Many thanks and best wishes,
-Ben Gross
Benjamin Gross, PhD Vice President for Research and Scholarship
Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering and Technology
5109 Cherry Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64110
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