Eurograd message

Message posted on 05/12/2023

VL/HCC 2024 - Call for Posters and Showpieces

Hello fellow researchers,

Join us for VL/HCC 2024's Posters and Showpieces track—an engaging platform to share your latest research, experiences, and innovations with our community. Formerly known as "posters and demonstrations," this track now encompasses a broader spectrum of interactive elements: posters, videos, demos, apps, prototypes, and more, fostering rich discussions among attendees.

Key Dates:Submission deadline: June 25th, 2024

For further details, including topics and submission guidelines, visit our official VL/HCC 2024 website:

Don't miss this chance to showcase your work and engage with like-minded enthusiasts. Submit your contributions now!

Dulaji Hidellaarachchi Publicity & Social media Chair On behalf of VL/HCC organising committee VL/HCC’2024

Dulaji Hidellaarachchi

  • | Research Fellow*
  • | Department of Software Systems and Cybersecurity*

  • | Faculty of Information Technology*
  • | Monash University*
  • | Clayton VIC 3800*
  • | Australia * E:

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