Eurograd message

Message posted on 01/12/2023

Call for Abstracts: 8th annual NKL conference: ‘Are we all vulnerable? Risks, crises and disasters in the contemporary world/digital society’

8th annual NKLconference

Theme: ‘Are we all vulnerable?Risks, crises and disasters in the contemporary world/digital society’

Date: May 27-28th 2024

Location: University of Belgrade– Faculty of Political Science, Serbia

Language: English

The Navigating Knowledge Landscapes(NKL) research network has a tradition of mapping the ways the knowledge iscreated in our times. These times, however, are becoming increasingly fraughtwith both man-made and naturals risks, crises and disasters: pandemics,economic and political crises, climate change, rapid technologicaldevelopments, and resurgence of armed conflicts. This opens, once again,questions of our vulnerability – as individuals, societies, even as a species –to consequences of these events.

The theme of the 8thannual NKL conference is, therefore, focused on the ways of acknowledging andunderstanding vulnerabilities, as well as on the potential uses of bothknowledge and the ways of acquiring knowledge in order to mitigate them. Theaim of the conference is to explore vulnerabilities caused by risks, crises anddisasters from different perspectives and disciplines. The conference istransdisciplinary in scope and we are calling for international contributionsthat deal with specific perspectives or cases related to the conference theme.There are some topics that are of special interest:

·       Ethical and philosophical aspects ofvulnerability

·       Politics, policies and vulnerability

·       Medical aspect of vulnerability

·       Risks, crises and disasters in the digital mediaand popular culture

·       Laws and progress – protection againstvulnerability?

·       Open science as a tool against vulnerability

·       Artificial intelligence and other newtechnologies

·       Vulnerability and education Contributions on other topicsrelated to the conference theme are also welcome. The opening Keynote will be heldby Ivan Zalatel, PhD, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Medicine. The conference is jointlyorganized with and will take place at the University of Belgrade – Faculty ofPolitical Science. If you are interested in participating, please submit anabstract of max. 300 words before January 31, 2024 [subject line: 8thNKL conference] to: will be informed about the status of your submission no later than March 15th2024. Papers presented at the conference will be published as an editedvolume or as a special issue of a peer-reviewed journal. Best regards, Ivana Damnjanović, PhDAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Belgrade - Faculty of Political Science

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