Eurograd message

Message posted on 17/11/2023

Cfp "Right to the City 4.0?"

Dear colleagues (sorry for crossposting),

We are inviting interested researchers to submit abstracts for the workshop on Right to the City 4.0? Digital Planning and Participation Arrangements for an Intelligent Transformation of Urban Infrastructures organized by the Center for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Studies (ZIRIUS), the Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (SRF IRIS) and the International Center for Cultural and Technological Studies (IZKT) at the University of Stuttgart. The workshop will take place on 16-17 May 2024 at the Hospitalhof in Stuttgart. Please find the full text of this Call attached to this email.

Provisional Workshop Programme:

16th May 2024

  • 13.00 Welcome
  • 13.30 17.00 Panels
  • 18.00 20.00 Key Note Rob Kitchin (Maynooth University)

17th May 2024

  • 09:00 10.00 Key Note Hadrien Macq (Universit de Lige)
  • 10:00 13:30 Panels
  • 13.30 14.00 Concluding Discussion Please send abstracts (300 words) by 15 December 2024 to and feel free to circulate this information to anyone who might be interested!

Best wishes, Kathrin Braun

Forschungskoordinatorin Zentrum fr Interdisziplinre Risiko- und Innovationsforschung (ZIRIUS) Editor Critical Policy Studies Universitt Stuttgart Seidenstrae 36 D 70174 Stuttgart

[1635343604770] ?number=978-3-8394-5453-4 [1651564468425]

Gerhards, Helene/Kathrin Braun (eds.) 2019: Biopolitiken. Regierungen des Lebens heute. Wiesbaden (Springer),

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of Cfp Workshop Right to City 4_0 EN.pdf]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of cfp Workshop Recht auf Stadt 4_0 dt.pdf]

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