Eurograd message

Message posted on 25/09/2023

REMINDER: PhD position in STS on AI and chronic pain - Deadline 1 Oct

This is a gentle reminder that the call for a PhD position at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) will close on 1 October next week.

The position is targeted at STS graduates who are interested in studying artificial intelligence, chronic illness, and digital health.

The PhD candidate will work with Brit Winthereik (DTU), Malte Ziewitz (Cornell) and myself (DTU) conducting research within the project "Socially Sustainable Algorithms for Chronic Pain."

Applications must be submitted online, following the instructions included in the official call that can be found here:[DEL: :DEL]

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me (

Please feel free to circulate this call to your networks.


Benjamin Lipp

DTU - Section on Human-Centred Innovation

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