Eurograd message

Message posted on 19/09/2023

CfP Special Issue Public participation amidst hostility: when the uninvited shape matters of collective concern

Dear colleagues,

We invite contributions to a special issue Public participation amidst hostility: when the uninvited shape matters of collective concern to be published in the Social Inclusion journal. Please find more details below and, if you are interested, contact the guest editors for a draft Introduction text.

Topic: Ways of taking part in formulating and addressing matters of shared concern are diverse. The practices people employ to engage in shaping societal orders go far beyond organized formats such as citizen juries or co-production sessions, where questions and tasks are, to a large extent, pre-set. Particularly creative practices emerge in situations when participation is not invited, or discouraged, or even met with hostility. Such situations are not exceptional because even in established democracies pockets of exclusion exist. For this special issue, we challenge authors to consider, among others, how participation is made possible in situations of hostility to participation: What are the consequences of participatory practices under adverse circumstances? How can we understand and theorize the diversity of forms of participation in contemporary societies? How can we make studies of public participation relevant to the multiple settings where exclusion and animosity to public input exist?

Link to the full call: rticipation

Timeline: Submission of Abstracts: 15-31 December 2023 Submission of Full Papers: 15-31 July 2024 Publication of the Issue: January/March 2025 Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to join a hybrid workshop led by the editors on 18-19 April 2024 where the special issue collective will meet and work together on the texts. Guest editors: Olga Zvonareva (Maastricht University) Claudia Egher (Utrecht University)

Important: Please contact the guest editors to receive a draft introduction to the special issue

Olga Zvonareva, PhD

Assistant professor Department of Health, Ethics and Society (HES) School for Public Health and Primary Care (CAPHRI) Maastricht University

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