Eurograd message

Message posted on 24/08/2023

Job Announcement; Postdoc Position - TUM SOT STS/ Sociology of science and technology

Dear colleagues,

Please find attached the file with the announcement for a 5-year Postdoc position in “Environmental STS” at the chair of sociology of science and technology/ STS Department/ SOT TUM.

This is announced broadly these days, but I would like to invite you to consider an application given your expertise and skills in this field of environmental STS, science policy interactions & governance of socio-technical transformation.

Please share or send it personally to suitable candidates and/ or share it with your networks/ mailing lists. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to come back to me. erm-on-the-topic-environmental-sts/


Nils (Matzner)

Dr. Nils Matzner

Research Fellow (he/him)

Technical University of Munich

TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology

Department of Science, Technology and Society (STS)

Friedrich Schiedel Endowed Chair in Sociology of Science (Prof. Beck)

Mail to: Arcisstraße 21, 80333 München/Germany

Office at: Denisstr. 1b, 80335 München/Germany

Phone: +49(89) 289 24217


Latest publications:

Matzner, Nils; Wieser, Matthias (2023): Die Herstellung von Online-Publika des Bachmannpreises.

Link / Download

Matzner, Nils; Wieser, Matthias (2023): „Klagenfurt ich komme! #tddl“. Die Twitter-Kommunikation bei den Tagen der deutschsprachigen Literatur

Link / Download

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