Eurograd message

Message posted on 02/06/2023

Free online event for ECRs 14 June - Undisciplined Disciplinarity. Cohering your research narrative as an interdisciplinary researcher & getting a job!

Hello All,

Apologies for cross-posting.

AsSIST-UK's Early Careers Group have organised a series of events which engage with topics or skills likely to be of interest to early career academics, scholars and researchers working in Science and Technology Studies (STS) and Innovation Studies, and who are looking to explore new methods or concepts or to position themselves as researchers in new surroundings. They are held throughout the year and are nearly all online so they can be as accessible as possible.

Following on from a well-attended event hosted by Julia Kasmire from the University of Manchester, on 'A tour of Computational Methods. Introducing computational methods with a focus on how they apply to social sciences’, we’d love to see you at the next ones:

Use the links above to sign up to the events – we look forward to seeing you there.

Kind regards, Louise AsSIST-UK Early Careers Group

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