Eurograd message

Message posted on 01/06/2023

Ker Memorial PhD Studentship at the interface of law, medical sociology and STS - Edinburgh

Dear all,

The University of Edinburgh is currently advertising a Ker Memorial PhD Studentship.

A range of projects are advertised for this to which students can apply. Project supervisors then present the studentship selection committee with their preferred candidates, and several students across a range of projects are then interviewed (most likely online, week commencing 7 Aug). One student is then selected for the studentship. Details of the scheme and process are available here: studentship-2023

Anne-Maree Farrell (Edinburgh Law School) and I are advertising a project at the interface of law, medical sociology, and STS:

Aligning Legal and Biological Temporalities in the (Anticipatory) Governance of Infectious Disease in the UK ties-in-the-anticipatory-governance-of-infectious-disease-in-the-uk/?p158717

I would really appreciate it if you could please circulate this message among people who might consider applying thank you very much!

We would really welcome an email exchange with interested applicants, and ask that anyone who might like to apply please get in touch before the 30th June at the very latest (despite the formal application deadline of 7th July).

Many thanks again!

All best wishes,


Professor Martyn Pickersgill FAcSS

Personal Chair of the Sociology of Science and Medicine Director of Research, Usher Institute Co-Director, Wellcome OHMD PhD Programme Associate Director, Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society

The University of Edinburgh Old Medical School, Teviot Place, Edinburgh, EH8 9AG, Scotland, UK

Pronouns: He/His Responses to emails are only expected during your working hours.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th ann an Oilthigh Dhn ideann, clraichte an Alba, ireamh clraidh SC005336.

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