Eurograd message

Message posted on 31/05/2023

CFP "Imagine European Food Futures" workshop on speculative and participatory methods in food research. Toulouse, 4-5.09.23

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Call for participation

Imagine European Food Futures:

International workshop on speculative and participatory methods in food research and action

4 and 5 september 2023

OVALIE experimental platform, Université Jean-Jaurès, Toulouse, France.

We invite early-career researchers, research-creators, food artists and research groups (including PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, associations, artists, etc) to apply for participation in a workshop

“Imagine European Food Futures: International workshop on speculative and participatory methods in food research and action”

hosted by the OVALIE Experimental Platform for Studying Eating in Context (ISTHIA, Université Toulouse II Jean Jaurès) in cooperation with the axe SANTAL (health and food) of the CERTOP CNRS and EASST Fund.

How to engage senses and imagination to tell research stories about food and eating? This workshop aims to create links between thinkers and makers engaging with future-oriented, participatory, creative and/or non-conventional ways of knowing food and eating.

Creative and participatory methods in food research and action have proven to be fruitful for questioning desirable and undesirable food futures with grounding in perception, sensations, and embodied knowledge. Some examples of such methods include research-creation, serious games, interactive expositions, and speculative designs. In the feminist tradition, critical engagement with the future serves to problematize epistemological and ontological dispositions of matter, subjectivity, and politics, challenging patriarchal embodiments and rethinking the possible.

With this double focus - creative participatory methods and future-oriented thinking about food - the workshop will form space for exchanges, cross-inspirations, and speculations on European food futures.

Our aims are 1. To discuss, share, and mix methods of studying/ problematising/ intervening /disrupting possible food futures;

  1. To speculate on sense-full collaborative openings between academic scientists, civil society organizations, food activists, community members, and art groups.

During the workshops, we will cook, eat, share, digest and think together, drafting a Cookbook for possible ways to think of European food futures. The workshop will take place at the OVALIE experimental platform to study eating in context. The participants will become their own experimental material : the workshop will be filmed with the help of cameras installed in the platform. The footage will later be collectively treated and analyzed for further multimodal analysis and outcomes (articles, art work, etc).

Participating researchers: BLANC, Nathalie, Centre des Politiques de la Terre; LADYSS, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France; DUPUY, Anne, ISTHIA, Université Jean-Jaurès; CERTOP, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France; ENDALTSEVA, Alexandra, CERTOP, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France; GUGGENHEIM, Michael, Dept. of Sociology, Goldsmiths College, University of London, Great Britain; LEPRINCE, Solène, AGIR, INRAE, France; LANGEN, Nina, Education for Sustainable Nutrition and Food Science, TU Berlin, Germany; SCHNEIDER, Tanja, School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS), University of St.Gallen, Switzerland; STÖCKELOVÁ, Tereza, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences; Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Charles University, Czech Republic; VOSS, Jan-Peter, Dept. of Society, Technology and Human Factors, RWTH Aachen University, Germany.

Eligibility: Early-career researchers, research-creators and/or artists working with the theme of food and eating and engaging with collaborative, future-oriented and/or non-conventional ways of knowing and acting (science fiction, speculative design, gamification, etc). We particularly welcome participation from the non-academic community: citizen scientists, artists, activists, etc.

Application process: A short biography (maximum 500 words) and an extended abstract describing your ongoing project which tackles food futures (in a broad sense, which can be food transition, speculation of the “food of tomorrow”, public policy analysis, etc) should be sent to by the 1st of July 2023. Small travel/accommodation allowances are available - please precise in your application if you will require financial aid

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