FW: Call for papers: Values at Sea
Dear all,
Apologies for cross-posting.
Please consider submitting an abstract proposal to this upcoming topical collection in the journal History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences.
Title: Values at Sea: Marine Science Studies Meet Blue humanities
Guest editors: Elis Jones, Jose A. Cañada, and Sabina Leonelli (University of Exeter)
Across social science and humanities, attention is increasingly focused on the sea. There has been a notable rise in panels, papers and projects in recent years working on understanding the challenges that marine sciences face in a time of ecological crisis. This growing interest is no surprise: the sea is a site of immense value, supporting and shaping the global biosphere, and is under considerable threat both by global change and local pressures. Whilst marine ecosystems are pushed to the brink, scholars now often talk of the blue humanities and oceanic turns, of blue economics and accelerations, and of ocean decades. These trends necessitate a similar refocusing towards the sea in the history, philosophy, and social studies of science, fields that are ideally placed to help understand and contextualise some of the changes occurring to marine systems.
Full description of the topical collection: https://marinesciencestudies.co.uk/call-for-papers/
Please send an abstract proposal (300 words) and brief biographical sketch (300 words) to Elis Jones (erj205 [at] exeter.ac.uk) by the 30th of June 2023. Guest editors will inform about abstract acceptance in Mid-July and invite authors to submit a full paper by 1st of December 2023.
Best regards,
Elis, Jose and Sabina
Jose A. Cañada (they/them) MSCA Research Fellow University of Exeter Department of Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology https://socialsciences.exeter.ac.uk/sociology/staff/canada https://aquatic-intersections.co.uk/ Lazenby House, G.01, Prince of Wales Rd, Exeter, Devon, EX4 4PJ
Cañada, J.A., Sariola, S. & Butcher, A. 2022. In critique of anthropocentrism: a more-than-human framework for antimicrobial resistance. Medical Humanities 48(4), e16.
Butcher, A., Cañada, J.A. & Sariola, S. 2021. How to make noncoherent problems more productive: Towards an AMR management plan for low resource livestock sectors. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 8, 287.
Cañada, J.A. 2021. Scalability and partial connections in tackling antimicrobial resistance in West Africa. Chapter in With Microbes. Brives, C., Rest, M. & Sariola, S. (Eds.). London: Mattering Press.
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